Exercises When Pregnant

LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
Hi All

I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago, and have been too scared to carry on with my normal exercises and diet in case I do something and I lose it. This has resulted in me putting on 2lb in 2 weeks. Not a lot, but I shouldn't put any on yet!

Well, I have been reading, and everything I have read has said it's fine to continue. I have upped my calories from 1200 to 1500 as they say you need an extra 300 calories per day to sustain pregnancy. I had put it up to 1800, but I was just allowing myself to eat the wrong things coz I had the extra calories.

Anyway, does anyone know of any gentle exercises I can do whilst pregnant? Is yoga ok to do etc?

Thanks in advance


  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Yes Yoga is safe to do when you are pregnant. I was told anything you did before you were pregnant exercise wise you can do pregnant. Probably not the best to do alot of kicking or things that will strain you though. I was very worried about the samething when I got pregnant. I put on 5 right at first, but it was off within a couple of weeks. I did the elliptical alot while I was pregnant too. Being pregnant is fun, its so exciting!! Have fun with it and good luckk with it!
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Swimming is a fantastic exercise for pregnancy as your body is supported by the water, also walking and yoga.
    If you do any exercise classes just tell the instructor you're pregnant and they can adapt them for you, for example, shouldn't lie on your back or do squats when further along in pregnancy but most exercise is ok if you're already doing it, it's taking up new exercise which you should get advice on.
    I skied at 5 months pregnant, though I'm not necessarily advising you to do it - I did find my centre of gravity a bit altered!
  • GremlinJenny
    there are generic guidelines for exercise while pregnant, but please see your doctor. your situation may be different. with something this serious, i think it's vital you seek a TRUE professional's advice that knows your real specifics.

    good luck and CONGRATULATIONSSSSSSS!!!!! :)
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks! I was doing a lot of cardio, treadmill, elliptical, rowing and some weights too. I think I'll skip the weights though! I might go back to the elliptical as it's my favourite, and not so much impact on joints, do my yoga and do my swimming every weekend. I can't get to the gym during the week as it's just too busy, so I shall do my yoga during the week, and my gym and swimming on weekends
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    According to Fit Pregnancy Magazine: The 5 Best Activities For Moms-To-Be

    Walking - Strengthens heart/lungs, increases stamina.

    Water Exercise - Strengthens heart/lungs; reduces strain on joints.

    Prenatal Pilates - Strengthens entire body, especially core muscles.

    Weight Training - Increases muscle tone and strength.

    Prenatal Yoga - Increases strength, stamina and relaxation.

    Obviously you should do what feels good to you. Check out fitpregnancy,com if you haven't yet, and congratulations!!