SAHM 3/7 - 3/13



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    PNC ~ love the new pic! Sorry about the bronchitis, yuck!

    Wildcat ~ I would love to do strollerstrides, but the closest one is an hour away, I hear awesome things about it!

    Amy ~ Yes, I have the dreaded flap, while it has gone down in the past couple of months, I'm afraid it will always be there. In person my lower belly looks like pizza dough, I'm not joking!

    Welcome Stephanie! congrats on your loss so far!

    lgeren ~ That's so sad about your running group fizzling :( It's so hard doing it by yourself, I trained and ran my first half marathon all alone (insert pity party here) and I vow to never ever do that again! LOL

    Welcome Shell!! Holy crap on the awesome deal on all those workouts. I would love to get BBL and CE! I do have TF and LOVE it!

    I weighed in at 139.5 still this morning! Wohoo! LOL

    this weeks totals:
    519 minutes of exercise, 4074 calories burned

    next week I am going to try to do a recovery week, not as intense and only 300 minutes of exercise. Thursday and Saturday I am running in 5ks, but I am not going to push hard, just going for the shirt and for fun. I am going to rest tomorrow and try to stick to my's been a while since I only ate 1345, yikes! Tomorrow is also my endocrinology appt. Is it sad that I want to be diagnosed with hypothyroidism? It sure would explain a lot :-/

    Oh and my recent blog post for those not on my friends list (feel free to add me if you want!)

    Going for frozen yogurt when the boys get up from their naps! Have a wonderful day!