
Not sure what it takes to behave on the weekends. I did great Friday night and Saturday up until 7PM. Today is a new day but would really like to hear suggestions on keep the change through the weekend.


  • longhop
    longhop Posts: 35
    I find weekends really hard too. I burn over 1000 calories on a friday and saturday but still go over each day.
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I agree. Weekends are horrible. The best thing I do is plan ahead. I try hard to figure out what I can eat and drink before we go and do anything. My most difficult time is when we are home and doing typical cleaning and relaxing stuff. My best advice is to keep yourself busy and remember no matter how much fun it is to go out and eat and drink and have fun on the weekend, it is never better than seeing a lower number on the scale on Monday!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    If you want this bad enough, you will regard a weekend as any other day. You have to be always prepared. If you go out for the day--pack healthy snacks and keep yourself away from the drive thrus. If you go out to eat, remember we are not there to fill up on all their good food--we are there to enjoy the company of the people we are with. So tell your server exactly what you want and how you want it so you stay on plan. Trust me, you will leave the restaurant feeling just as satisfied and full, but youwill feel better because you made the right choices. Also, just stay away from alcohol---you just have to say no.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    maybe if you know you cant resist going a little crazy on the weekends, try to work extra hard during the week. then you should be right on track! dont starve yourself or anything, but if you had a little extra wiggle room during the week, the weekend might not hit so hard.
  • xoopsyxdaizyx
    i only let myself drink one night a week & go out to eat one time a week. this is helping me a lot. i also plan ahead as much as possible & make it a point to exercise saturday morning to gain some extra cals (since that ususally is my going out night.) i also am very very strict & usually under my calories during the week so i dont feel as bad about going a little over on a saturday.
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for your support