What prompted your lifestyle change?



  • CharlieSC
    CharlieSC Posts: 42 Member
    I went to the gym several weeks ago and this lady in her 60's weighing less than half my weight and at least 10 years older was pumping iron double what I could do. I wasn't so much the gender as it was the size and age. A motivational embarrassing moment!!
  • kari1434
    kari1434 Posts: 4 Member
    I was at work one day and saw a scale. I haven't been on a scale in months so I thought why not. When I saw the number I started crying. I was very down for a couple weeks. I couldn't believe I let myself get that far. Then one morning I got up and took a good look at myself in the mirror. I just thought how discusting I looked. I didn't know how my Husband could look at me with so much love when I had changed so much. I decided enough was enough. No more feeling sorry for myself. I got myself in this and I'm going to get myself out.

    I think everyone hits a breaking point. Every person is different. Mine happened to be a number.
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    Been over weight almost all my life, I was 286 when I was a sophmore in high school, I gained up to 389 thats a 103 weight gain in 8 years... what was behind that was love , abuse, stress, frustration, BP and feeling like I was nothing... Ive always was active but always gained weight, I always had that light bulb in my head with a bright message saying your killing yourself why are you doing this? My one motivation was the t.v. show Heavy, a tv show that showed man and woman in my size range doing something about their weight gain, i know if they can do it so can i. I recently turned to the lap band and my first apointment is Thursday , Im nervous but excitied. This is my time to shine, then to be a fat lump ..