SBF, Boogaloo, Mar 7



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Sense of gratitude indeed.

    Congrats on the news MM! Have fun on your retreat.

    I got a good amount of exercise in: a hour walk and 54 sun salutations - we lucked out and heard the class wasn't going to have the teacher I wanted that night, so we saved a trip to downtown Dallas.

    Today we will walk and drive back to Austin.

    Compassion for the suffering, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Update: slept through scheduled class. Will re-*kitten* after meeting for possible afternoon workout. Body is adjusting to new med dosage, and possible cold/weather change. Gah.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Rallied, and did couch to 5k day one of week one. Holy man, I can't believe how hard it was. Slow and steady. Finished up with ten minutes of high incline walking.

    I will celebrate my ability to move.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    So I'm guessing the first week of couch to 5k is not "get off the couch"?

    I'm off to SA today - my kitties missed us much, so it's good that Charlie will be here. He's going to be silent this weekend (mediation non-residential retreat), so I'm sure they will get some attention.

    I just looked at the schedule for this weekend, I may need to get a walk in after all. We'll see how it goes tonight.

    Weekend plans, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    How was your drive back mary? Uneventful I hope.
    Way to rally Miss V! :)

    I have been reminded to lay off the dairy when I am anxious or nervous. I had a little last night at dinner and my tummy was not happy. Goal for the next three weeks: little to no dairy.
    I'm also tired. We were up past my bedtime and I didn't sleep well. Sigh. I will make it through the day. I may just be yawning all day. The gym is three blocks away so that discouraged some ladies from going. I will still go as long as others are going with me. If not, this building has long hallways and stairs that aren't in a stairwell. So I will power walk. :) Unless of course a nap takes over.
    We had to draw questions out of a bucket last night for a game. My question: if you could instantly be fluent in another language what would it be? How appropriate that I would get that question. :)

    I'd better get moving.

    Enjoy your Saturday!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    First week is 20 minutes of run for 60 seconds, walk for 90 seconds. I was able to do it, but those last two-three 60 seconds periods at 6 mph (my run pace) were brutal. I talk about it in my new blog post. Oh, and the ego is working over time right now. I think that I'm discovering that the language of the ego is fear. Hmmmm....

    Anyways, today is yoga at ten (yoga classes were one of the main reasons I missed the second gym) and one more work session (already have done two this a.m....:drinker: ), followed by digging out the tax receipts (nope, still haven't done this:laugh: ) and cleaning up. Then, the accountant comes at 4. Other than that, buying a few groceries to supplement dinner plans and laying low. Had a really good/encouraging meeting with my supervisor yesterday. Now I just have to keep writing.

    taxes, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, it's been an interesting week. Crazy ton of work, of course. (My "go home at 5:30" goal didn't work out.) And, my husband got a job offer. (Good, but rather stressful decision-making - there went my food logging.) And, there was an earthquake/tsunami. (no, that didn't affect anybody I know, but I still think worrisome thoughts about it) And, one of my closest friends just had a son, delivered by c-section at 25 weeks because of complications in pregnancy. (this is the same friend who lost a baby two years ago) So far, baby is stable - but he is very very tiny and in NICU. This family has been through so much already (their first child was also born extremely premature and with Down's syndrome - although she is doing relatively well now), I am just hoping and praying that everybody makes it through the next few months.

    6mph is pretty fast, V! That was about my jogging pace on the road, but I was usually slower on the treadmill. I actually went to the gym with my husband this morning, intending to get on the treadmill (walking), but got a call from work as we were getting out of the car and spent the whole time on my laptop in the lobby while he worked out. Doh. Maybe tomorrow (if I don't get called again - big migration going on this weekend and I'm on-call).

    One day at a time, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I am so ready for teacher training to be over. There are parts that I like, but a lot of times I'm bored/uninterested. I also, somewhat foolishly, thought I would make yoga friends. There are many cool people and all, but they have their lives, families, commitments. Or they may feel as weird or pushy as I do by asking me to dinner or an event. I'm sure I'll find my yoga group eventually.

    But there are only 3 weekends left! I think by mid June I will have a break from I-35.

    Today is a walk this morning and a free yoga class this afternoon.

    Take care of yourselves, my pebbles!

    Free, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Lots going on in the lives of all my pebbles! Let's all try to stay calm and focused (me, too)

    I was very proud of my 6mph. I just thought "I will push the up button and not look, until it feels very challenging and the edge of sustainable." I'd never really "run" faster than around 5.5 so that was cool.

    Yesterday, my yoga class was canceled (boo) so I came straight home and did a yoga DVD. This felt like a good achievement toward my "consistent yet flexible" goal. I did log a formal complaint (which felt good towards my "calm yet assertive" goal. . .the new meds seem to be acting as a courage enhancer/truth serum) because this particular class has been canceled very often (at least five times in the past six months) at this very expensive gym. Either they need an on call sub, or a new teacher, or a more efficient class cancellation notification system. OK, vent over.

    Today is Zumba at noon, followed by home for my writer's group/potluck. Also, laundry.

    Consistent yet flexible, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I am so tired. I haven't gotten to really relax since Thursday until just now. I slept a whole lot better last night but I still have a deficit. The change in my meds could be causing it too. And my wrist STILL hurts from Wednesday! I hope the doc didn't do more harm than good. I may call tomorrow and ask if should still be hurting.
    I never did get to work out. Things just didn't work out that way. So I am looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow. My house is a wreck too. I have a lot of work to do.
    We could be in Russia in two weeks! :wink: Yeah, I've said that before. I need to start working on my Russian again. IF, a BIG IF, everything goes smoothly then we could have a girl home as early as the beginning of May. I try not to get my hopes up but I really just can't help it.
    I am so glad I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I need a break.

    Wanted: sweet sleep boogaloo!