My first pair of Vibram FiveFingers



  • anemoneflynn
    My mother, father, and siblings pretty much all have these and love them. I'd like to get some myself when I can afford them!
  • BriannaSkye
    BriannaSkye Posts: 135
    Do they have a sole to them or are they really just very flat, trying to work out if theres any support to them!
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    If anyone loves that barefoot feeling but needs something a little more work appropriate go on amazon and search for ballet flats. Recently found two brands that I LOVE- Ballasox and Yosi Samra. can wear with dress pants and don't look weird. I haven't made the jump to VFFs yet, currently running in an ultra light NB trail shoe (which i LOVE also- great transition shoe), and didn't want to ruin that with heels at work. I was finding that dress flats were not actually flat most of the time and they were freaking heavy. These ballet shoes are all flexible, have minimal soles and are super comfy. my back thanks me. I wear them even after I get home from work (true testament of a comfy shoe). Just a thought!:flowerforyou:

    Uhm employers might not look kindly on guys who come to work wearing ballet flats...
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    My fiance and I really want to get some. Great to know people really like theirs! I want them mainly for working out and when we play tennis. We are also waiting to see if they go on sale....before we break down and pay full price :happy:
  • sharper43
    sharper43 Posts: 109
    these shoes freak me out. I just can't imagine putting that much material between my toes and be comfortable. Don't you feel like your toes are stretched far apart? Maybe it's just me because I have really tiny toes, so these wouldn't fit me at all
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    The official position on ‘barefoot’ running by the American Podiatric Medical Association: “there is not enough research on the immediate and long term benefits of the practice, and that individuals should consult a podiatrist with a background in sports medicine to make an informed decision on all aspects of their running and training program."

    Buwaaaahahaha, not enough research, oh my that is funny right there, Humans have been walking barefoot for thousands of years.

    Thanks for posting that, I needed a good laugh.


    If you think back to sayyyy...the 1980's when Nike first came out with their "supportive" shoes, that's when all the problems started. Did you ever hear of NBA stars complaining about Plantar F, while they were wearing their Chucks? No way!! It's only been since the invention of the overly cushioned high heel runners that people have developed all sorts of issues.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    There are a lot of medical rebuttals, I appreciate what they say but for me. I figure I had nothing to lose buy purchasing a pair of Vibrams... Why over think it? Any way, I have brough several pair of Nikes and Asics but the results were all the same (it wasn't the shoe).

    Constant heel striking, my knee would become swollen if I ran more than twice a week for more that 2-3 miles. I couldn't stand it because I would have to take a week off. SMH.

    I brought my Five Fingers and now I average about 9-12 miles a week running (on the roads, not treadmill). I'm currently 263lbs. Its a beautiful think. I love how people look at my feet when I walk by, Hell I'll even take off my shoe and show them I got handsome toes (LOL)....

    For real, considering taste it ain't for everybody, but I assure you, you have ZERO to lose (just $100). Hell I brought headphones that cost more than that.

    Of course many medial sources aren't going to support home treatment (training in these shoes) because that would eliminate their use to you. Thus eliminating business from their office.

    I am damn near flat feet but since have developed an arch. Whoo-Rah!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Have a pair of Bikila LS and absolutely love them. Will be investing in another pair in the near future.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have been eyeing up a pair of VFF for a while now. I don't run, but walk and exercise and believe that barefoot is best. I have heard that the VFFs take a lot to get used to and the injury risk is higher. Does anyone know if this is true?
    Also, do you walk normal in them, i.e. heel-to-toe? I know running is different and even the VFF websitwe says it can take up to a year for some people to get accustomed to wearing them and doing things differently.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Hi, I do long distance walking in my VFF's and yes, I had to ramp up, but my calf muscles are so much more toned now :). Anyway, you will notice that you will start walking differently, less heel strike and all in all a better posture (I found). I don't know if you intend to carry weight, but I back pack and wear VFFs and I ad to modify what I carry: I want to be as light as possible, because VFFs don't support your ankles at all.

    That being said, walking in them is so much more enjoyable than walking in walking shoes, so I really hope you get to try. I bought a pair of KSOs by the way, just because it's easier with stones getting into your shoes and such. And if you want to keep dry feet you can only wear them if it's dry out.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I have been eyeing up a pair of VFF for a while now. I don't run, but walk and exercise and believe that barefoot is best. I have heard that the VFFs take a lot to get used to and the injury risk is higher. Does anyone know if this is true?
    Also, do you walk normal in them, i.e. heel-to-toe? I know running is different and even the VFF websitwe says it can take up to a year for some people to get accustomed to wearing them and doing things differently.

    Can't speak for everyone but I was acclimated to them the second time I wore them. I was sprinting and doing plyometric jump training within days.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    So my question is, does your feet sweat? Because after a while wont they begin to stink?

    They are machine washable, hang to dry. Pretty cool.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    How has those Vibrams workout for you?
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    The general consensus of this athletic gems are the physiological benefits they provide while performing excercise and overall daily activities. The benefits include:

    1. Strengthens Muscles in foot and lower body.
    2. Improves flexibility and range in motion in ankle, foot, and toes.
    3. Improves balance and body awareness.
    4. Helps align spine and improve overall body posture.
    5. Simply feels good since feet move naturally and freely.

    Man, I been wearing these shoes all weekend since I bought them, I dig them alot. I already know I will be getting two more pair. One pair will be all black to wear with my work attire. I would definitely recommend them to people that HEEL strike when they run or to people that are already exeriencing problems with there knees, hips, or feet.

    Please, If you have some share your experience.

    Here is RESULT!