but I'm full...



  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know it's hard to eat healthy economically. The healthy food seems more expensive. In a way it is because it usually goes bad quicker. I don't know how you feel about cooking, maybe you don't like it. You can try different recipes and freeze those.

    Look for things on sale. buy frozen fruit to make smoothies. You can use tuna. chicken breasts can be stretched too. Prepared food add up too and can be more expensive pound by pound food wise.

    I know you said eating breakfast makes you feel sick. A lot of people get that way. You should try to eat something in the mornig within about an hour or so of getting up. It doesn't need to be breakfast food. You could have a peanut butter sandwich, yogurt, etc.
    Even a piece of toast would be better than nothing. That should help fire up your metabolism in the am.
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member

    I would eat healthier..but at the moment I'm suffering financially and all i have is skillet masters, hot pockets, and pizza rolls. :[

    Do you have a walmart? Their great value steamable veggies are like $1.99 a bag. You can buy a tray of chicken frozen chicken breast for about $7. Each breast is about 12 oz. You should only eat around 4 oz per meal so you have 3 portions for meals. Buy some sweet potatoes. They are 89 to 99 cents a pound. A bag of celery $1.79 and a jar of peanut butter for about $2.00 is a yummy filling snack. Milk $2.39 and Kashi cereal $2.69 for breakfast.

    Those are just some healthier suggestions. That aren't expensive and will last you.


    Just saw your last post. Just let us know before you go to the store and we will gladly give you cheaper healthier options :)

    Thanks!!! I will definitely do that!! Feel free to add me! I always need help when grocery shopping!! I've only been out on my own once for a little less than a year and that's when i gained all the weight from chinese food! So this time i plan on doing it right!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    green giant has these just for one veggies that are yummmy! cauliflower and cheese and many others.
    Wal mart usally always has oranges really cheap.Ive been know to eat 2 or 3 a day
    if you like peanut butter you can put that stuff on anything
    oatmeal is fairly cheap and makes a great breakfast it is also another thing you can add stuff to make it supper yummy
  • I eat WAY more often now than I did when I was 25lbs heavier. I used to be so confused as to why I couldn't lose weight and I kept saying "Jeez, I never eat breakfast.. hardly eat lunch.." but looking back, I *was* consuming a lot of calories. Just at awkard times and from really bad foods. But mostly just from really bad foods. Now I bring tons of snacks to work and I feel like I'm constantly eating. (I count the calories, of course). A few foods I bring to work & school include apples, bananas, baby carrots, protein bars, trailmix, string cheese, etc. If I'm craving junk food (like we all do sometimes) I'll bring a serving of baked chips to keep me away from the snack machines.

    I used to never eat breakfast, but I forced myself into the habit and now I look forward to my bowl of cheerios every morning, lol. I feel SO much better since I started eating more often. I don't feel like I'm only eating for fun or pleasure anymore. I feel like I'm fueling my body and I think it was important for me to adopt that mindset because it changed how I view food and I've really stepped out of my comfort zone and tried a lot of foods I never thought I'd ever try. Human beings used to use food to survive..... we have really lost sight of that and one of my goals is to get back there.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't think the issue is what she *can* get for her buck.. it's the fact that *right now* she doesn't have anything to buy food with, this is all she has on hand.

    cdowns, dear - it sounds like you understand the changes you need to make and once payday makes it's round, you'll be okay? Do you need any help budgeting for food or anything? Recipes? Do you have a crock pot? I know alot of people would be more than happy to help if you feel you need it.


    It can be a bit of a transition to go from home to own space - alot to manage in short order. It can be really overwhelming. Let us know if we can help you, support you in some way. :-)

    Do your best to take care of yourself. I think, generally, most people here mean well and have the best interests of others in mind. Generally. :laugh:

    MUAH! Good luck!
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    I don't think the issue is what she *can* get for her buck.. it's the fact that *right now* she doesn't have anything to buy food with, this is all she has on hand.

    cdowns, dear - it sounds like you understand the changes you need to make and once payday makes it's round, you'll be okay? Do you need any help budgeting for food or anything? Recipes? Do you have a crock pot? I know alot of people would be more than happy to help if you feel you need it.


    It can be a bit of a transition to go from home to own space - alot to manage in short order. It can be really overwhelming. Let us know if we can help you, support you in some way. :-)

    Do your best to take care of yourself. I think, generally, most people here mean well and have the best interests of others in mind. Generally. :laugh:

    :]]] thanks!! I don't have a crock pot i don't think... but i definitely need help with a grocery list...when i get to the store i normally go crazy on things i don't even need...i need to buy things i will eat that will be beneficial to my health instead of giving me heartburn from all the crap in it. lolol

    MUAH! Good luck!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    So long as you continue to eat foods that are not nutritious and are not doing anything for you, you will not really lose weight. You need to start eating healthier meals, more veggies (aim for 5 a day), more fiber (30 g a day), more fruit (3 a day), drink a lot of water and cut the junk food, you will see that you are hungrier because your portions for each meal will be smaller and youw ill be eating all of your calories but instead of fried stuff, you will be giving your body the nutrients it needs.

    Unfortunately, not all calories are created equal and if you really want to see results, you will need to make serious changes to what you eat.

    Best of luck.

    I would eat healthier..but at the moment I'm suffering financially and all i have is skillet masters, hot pockets, and pizza rolls. :[

    Since finances are tight I would check and see if there is a food cupboard or food bank near you where you can get some healthier foods. Also Salvation Army store may have an inexpensive crockpot; it would be a good investment.

    You will have to make some serious choices and stick with it consistently for at least one month. It takes (on average) 30 days of doing something consistently to become a habit . Your body will need to adjust to these changes . Start gradually. Eating breakfast is important. Try to start by eating a breakfast with protein (egg/pnt butter/sausage/fortified cereal with nuts/etc) dairy and a fruit. Make a fruit smoothie. A bagel with pnt butter and banana or grapes/berries may be an option. Put fruit &/or nuts in a yogurt cup; I put 1/2 cup cheerios(generic) in with 6 - 8 oz. yogurt and it is delicious and filling.

    Also try to eat 'something' every 3-4 hrs while awake. Piece of fruit, yogurt , &/or nuts would be good. Nuts are a good way to get in calories and "good" fats, they are nutrient rich.
    I t will take some determination on your part, but if you are serious about this healthy lifestyle change you will do it and feel much better for it down the road.

    Where you are feeling full and having trouble getting in your calories needed for basic metabolic functioning (heart pumping/breathing/ digesting/thinking/etc.) I would NOT drink BEFORE meals (it will fill you up) but drink after eating and throughout the day.

    Best wishes to you .
    Hope you find your way to a healthier way of eating. :smile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    :]]] thanks!! I don't have a crock pot i don't think... but i definitely need help with a grocery list...when i get to the store i normally go crazy on things i don't even need...i need to buy things i will eat that will be beneficial to my health instead of giving me heartburn from all the crap in it. lolol

    Edit: hit reply too soon - no actual reply. lol

    Okay, so when you need to stick to a fairly strict budget, and it sounds like you do - you want to do two things to start:

    1) make a list before you go and STICK TO IT! This is not easy... but the list helps to keep you from straying. Oh, and make sure to eat before you go. Never go to the grocery hungry.

    2) Meal plan: I'm terrible with this, I hate doing it, and I won't do it. BUT, I'm far from 18 anymore and I can be a little more flexible in my shopping decisions than you might have the ability to accomodate. Meal planning will help you with a number of objectives: (a) it'll ensure you get what you need for the week.
    (b) it'll ensure you have a healthy diet planned for each meal of each day.
    (c) it will help in controlling your budget

    After a while, you'll get used to shopping and know what you use most, what you like most and what you need most and lists will get smaller and smaller. You want basics: bread, cereal (a whole grain!), eggs, milk, butter, flour. If there is a discout store near you, that's a GREAT place to go for alot of your basics (aldi, shop rite, etc). You'll save a ton of money on equal quality stuff. Don't let the name brands fool you. If you have Aldi's where you live, those 6 items will cost you between $7 and $10. At a regular grocery, expect to pay about twice that. Shop smart. Look for coupons for some of the things you know you need, especially in the non-food item department; the more you save on toiletries and paper-goods, the more you have for food.

    Grow your own herbs. It's easy, it's cheap and they're expensive at the store. You can get seed packets for $0.49, cheap potting soil and pots for.. I dunno, $5? Whereas one little cannister of basil costs ... guess what? $5. Why get that when you can get a whole giant plant??? Basil is SUPER easy to grow and you'll use it in almost everything. Oh and it smells really good too. :-)

    Next, I'd start with your raw produce - things you'll snack on and make salads with. Don't get too much though.. produce typically will last only a week in the fridge. 1 head of iceberg, 1 bell pepper (just to start..you'll get more next time if you went through the one too quick), 1 tomato, 1 bag of carrots, a bag of apples a bag of oranges.. you get the idea!

    After that, hit your meat section. If they have bags of frozen chicken breasts, that's your best deal. You'll get alot for the amount you spend. It'll look like it's expensive but the value pans out in the end and as long as you keep the bag sealed, you dno't have to worry about freezer burn. If you like pork, get some lean cut pork loins (not tenderloins - they're good but pricey), 97/3% fat free ground beef, and if some easy steaks are on sale, get a couple of lean cuts.

    Then hit up your canned & frozen veggies/beans - these are great for chili, soups, stews and casseroles and relatively cheap. DO NOT GO FOR THE VEGGIE/SAUCE/PASTA mixes in the frozen aisle! They're very yummy - and TONS of sodium and not worth it on a tight budget. Wait til you figure out your shopping needs and if you can afford it. This will take some experimentation on your part and you might have to wait a couple of weeks to get some of those kinds of things if you want them. Also stay away from boxed meals. Having an occasional boxed pasta side is one thing, but having a whole meals that way is really bad.

    Start with those things. :-) They really are primarily the basics and you'll fidn you can do alot with them if you're willing. And yes, go to a resale store or discount store or walmart and get yourself a crockpot. You'll thank your lucky stars you did!
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