Why I'm Dumping CHEAT DAYS >:(



  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    I had a free night on Friday night. I felt like I was on top of the world. I generally run calorie deficient throughout the week. My calories are healthy calories, but because my food is so clean I just dont take enough of them in. I use my free nights to revamp my calories and jump my metabolism. It works for me. This past Friday I went to Japanese hibachi and I destroyed it. I ate all the rice, all the noodles, shrimp, steak, chicken, vegetables, a salad, and soup. Normally those calories and carbs would be putting me to sleep...instead I was ramped up. My energy was through the roof. I had a rock in my stomach from all the oil and salt that my body isnt use to, BUT I was burning that stuff up like crazy.

    Saturday morning I was able to wake up at 545 am, do an hour of cardio, rest for an hour, eat a light breakfast, wait an hour, and then go to the gym and lift like crazy for an hour. I attribute all of that to my "cheat" night. Hibachi is my romantic partner.
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    I have to admit. I have gained a lot of my weight back since I got down 55lbs in around april of last year. I think the reason was that I didn't let myself have one single cheat day, not even on holidays. I just got to a point where I wanted everything bad at once. I stopped eating healthy and exercising, and ate whatever I want. now I have to lose the weight again and it sucks. I think you shouldn't necessarily have cheat days......just buy a cheat food with a measurable amount of calories, something you want, maybe twice a month and log it, and work out to burn it off. that way you don't destroy your progress, and you can allow yourself to eat some of the food you want as well.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I definately do NOT do cheat days. I will allow myself "cheat meals"..which usually is two meals on the weekend, but I try to stay clean all week long and keep those cheat meals to 1200 cals or less.

    Hey lesson learned, you know what works for you so it's great that you got a reminder...even if it was a little painful at the time :flowerforyou:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I don't plan for cheat meals or days ever. If I want something "bad" (really, higher calorie or fat, etc.), then I eat it with moderation. I went over big time yesterday. And my attitude is, it tasted great going down! :laugh: I don't eat that way every day and I think that's the key. I'm usually pretty good and structured when I'm at work during the week but the weekends are tougher. It's a dance you really have to learn for yourself.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    After awhile cheat days will be a thing of the past.I'm in full control of the word NO now.I know better..The scale, other people...I count more:) I can always go out and buy any food I want. I cant buy per say the number on the scale, how I feel.Sure u can buy a smaller size but the magic question will u be able to fit it.Good luck to throwing these days away!Started at 167lb now at 132lb
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    If I get caught with my pants down and can't eat the way I normally do then I have a cheat meal. Other than that when I'm on my 90 day program it's business as usual. I want the best possible progress I can get when I'm in the middle of a program.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I have only been at this for about two weeks, but I love my cheat days. I eat pretty much the same, but if I want that extra snack I have been eyeing all week I eat it. I have only gone over by (the most) 250 calories. And that day I didn't exercise either, I wasn't feeling too well. So, I say keep them if you want them but make the same healthy choices with one or two not so healthy choice but still wise on calories.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Honestly, I still have a cheat day but I keep the same calories...just make them bad. Like instead of a 350 calorie meal of fish, veggies and brown rice, I eat two chicken legs from Popeyes with mashed potatoes and gravy. Or for a snack, instead of a tbsp of almond butter with a slice of wheat bread, I eat a chocolate covered strawberry from Godiva...same amount of calores. Then Sunday morning, I am back to eating healthier foods but my caloric intake doesn't change.

    Same here, if there is something I really want (I'm getting away from labeling anything as bad though), I"ll have it but just figure it into my calorie allotment. Its a real eye opener though about how quickly those calories add up!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I don't buy or keep anything in my house that is cheat worthy...........not that it would matter because my husband would inhale before I even had a chance to eat it anyway. He should be on this site with me. Temptation is a B, so I just try to remove all temptation to keep me straight.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Sorry you had a bad day. I know how guilty (and bloated) it feels to do that! I also agree with some other posts that I always imagine how good the food will taste, and after I eat it I begin to think it wasn't worth feeling like crap just to experience the particular food I binged on. :( I am sure you will get right back on track the next day! Best of luck. :smile:
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    This past Friday I went to Japanese hibachi and I destroyed it. I ate all the rice, all the noodles, shrimp, steak, chicken, vegetables, a salad, and soup.

    OMG this sounds exactly like me!! I can destroy some hibachi too... Your comment made me chuckle because I have done that myself!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I've never had CHEAT DAYS, but unf I have binge ones....trying to work on it though. GL!! :)
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I totally agree. I just said yesterday that I am dumping cheat days because I do believe thats it sabotaging my forward progress. I work hard during the week only to mess it up on the weekends and have to start all over on Monday. It makes no sense. Cheats should be once or twice a month at best but not weekly at least not for me anymore.
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    i thought cheat days were just foods generally unhealthy, but still in your calorie range.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm afraid I could never allow myself a cheat day. I'm a all or nothing kinda girl one cheat meal would turn into a cheat day, cheat week, cheat month.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    That pretty much says it all. Those calories clearly had no idea it was a Saturday. :tongue: haha

    PLUS, I felt bloated, breathless, lethargic and guilty as hell. :grumble:

    I've been doing great withOUT cheat days/cheat meals. I decided to factor them in - for whatever random@ss reason - and this is the result. NO, THANK YOU. Going back to the system that is PROVEN to work for me: Netting the cals MFP tells me to.

    Ever heard of Occam's Razor? It states: All things being equal, the simplest explanation is likely the truest.

    I don't know why I'm trying to mess up a good thing by over-thinking and complicating it. Just my 2 cents to anyone who's considering cheat meals/days. And yes, I know there will be times where I'm not 100% but there's no reason to PLAN to eat poorly. That's just counterproductive, isn't it?
    Sounds like you've made a wise decision for yourself. We're all individual in what works for us and it's awesome that you've made a choice that might work better for you. Feeling sick after eating a treat or indulging in what we think might be tasty is no fun at ALL! I know for myself eating some of the foods, well I should say MANY of the foods I did in the past simply make me feel sick and just don't appeal to me like the old days. Eating on emotions vs. eating for fuel changes that I think for many of us.

    Good for you for listening to your body!:heart:
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    R4z0r4Mm0 Posts: 131
    I also can't allow myself a DAY of cheating.. a cheat-MEAL though is something I look forward to once a week! :)

    It's usually a day or next day after my weigh-in, and is also the day that I bump up the intensity of my exercise in the morning before the cheat meal. I also go crazy on the water after the meal and the next few days after the cheat-meal to flush out all the sodium that's in that meal.

    I'll eat up to and a bit above my maintenance calories which gives me an extra 2000+ extra calories to play with that day including eating back exercise calories. Having cheat-meals during my rest-days doesn't work for me... big meal = big workout.

    Apparently cheat-days or cheat-meals is good for your metabolism and a lot of bodybuilders use this as their refeed days during their cycle.. works for them - so I gave it a try and it apparently works for me too! :)

    Good luck in your goals everyone!
    Doesn't matter how you get there - just be safe and healthy doing it! :)


    That pretty much says it all. Those calories clearly had no idea it was a Saturday. :tongue: haha

    PLUS, I felt bloated, breathless, lethargic and guilty as hell. :grumble:

    I've been doing great withOUT cheat days/cheat meals. I decided to factor them in - for whatever random@ss reason - and this is the result. NO, THANK YOU. Going back to the system that is PROVEN to work for me: Netting the cals MFP tells me to.

    Ever heard of Occam's Razor? It states: All things being equal, the simplest explanation is likely the truest.

    I don't know why I'm trying to mess up a good thing by over-thinking and complicating it. Just my 2 cents to anyone who's considering cheat meals/days. And yes, I know there will be times where I'm not 100% but there's no reason to PLAN to eat poorly. That's just counterproductive, isn't it?
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I have issues with the term (and idea of) Cheat Day. Working the things you like into your plan regularly is great, but thinking of it as cheating is self-defeating, IMO. More on my thoughts on this...

  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I had a cheat day on Sunday and i ate burger king!! ONE meal which consisted of whopper with cheese onion rings AND fries (yes i felt like pigging out) was way over my calorie goal for the day ONE MEAL!!!! and it put my weight loss back... it didnt even taste all that great i think instead of food for cheat days my cheat day will consist on a couple of drinks instead and keep to my 1200 cals
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    My "Cheat Day" "free day" "me day" whatever you want to call it is Sunday. I still log it and it's usually a meal with dessert that I wouldn't normally allow myself to have.I think I've only ever gone over once and it was by less then 100cals, I think people need to do whats best for them. If having a cheat day is to much for you and you feel it's messing you up then don't do it. There are people who take their cheat days to an extreme that I think it does mess with them,however I don't think those that have a cheat day and thats the day they allow themselves that fried chicken and a cupcake are sabotaging themselves. For me when I'm craving something unhealthy I tell myself that I can have it on Sunday, then usually when Sunday rolls around the craving is gone, but it made me feel better in my mind,because I wasn't telling myself no, just simply wait. Again I think it depends on the person and in the end it all comes down to doing what YOU need to do to get fit & healthy and ignore the haters.