C25K on treadmill....

Well I am starting week 3 day 1 today and am wondering if I should increase the speed on the treadmill or just keep as is through the program and work on pace after I acheive the distance? Any thoughts / advice would be appreciated. I am using the Iphone app and it doesn't really specify.

I am currently walking at 3.5 and jogging at 4.5 with an incline of 2...slow i know...but I am sweating and my heat rate is up. Since I never really ran before this is good for me.

Thank you!


  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm on my last week of C25K. I started at 5.4 running, and am running at about 4.7 now. When you have to run for 20 min. straight, you're gonna want to lower your speed! So run as fast as you can now, for as long as you can. Then reduce your speed when you need to. You can work on increasing your pace later...! Good luck!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    it's not about the speed in which you run, but rather building your endurance.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Congrats on your accomplishment on C25K so far! My suggestion would be to keep doing what feels comfortable for you, and then step it up a notch. When I did it, I concentrated, not so much on SPEED, rather than DISTANCE and LONGEVITY. Once you start to realize that you are no longer sweating, up your game! Good luck and have fun with it! :drinker:
  • Brandip714
    i just started this today week one day one : ) keep in mind i have really long legs but i started walking at 3.8 and jog at 5.5. i plan to increase these speeds as i move along in the program. i will do these speeds until they become easy then increase to a speed that makes me feel like the currents ones do now and try to maintain my target heart rate. so my advice is to stick with the speeds you are doing now and up it once they become easy...hope this helps!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I am on week 8. I started out doing 4 mile jog and 3 mile walk. I have been increasing it as I feel comfortable. So now I do a 4.4 MPH jog and walk at like 3.3 mph.
    When I got to my 20 min run I had to turn down the speed at 5 min, but that was ok with me too.

    I think you need to do what is comfortable. (pushing it not, comfortable schlepping it.) I want to break a sweat too.
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    I say to stay at whatever pace you are comfortable with. I don't think speed should be a factor. I am also doing C25K and I am extremely slow, but my heart rate shoots up and I want to finish being able to breathe! Remember if you cannot talk or sing, you are working out too hard (that's what I read anyway)! Good luck! I will send you a friend request and we can help each other!
  • Boz1625
    Boz1625 Posts: 12 Member
    I completed the C25K program and am now onto half-marathon training. I wouldn't worry about speed until you are done with the training and running a 5K consistently. You're body will tell you when to start increasing your speed. When is started to feel easy to me to run the entire 5K, I started increasing my speed by 10%. I can run a 5k around a 5MPH, but slow down significantly on my longer run days for my half training. The idea for me is to simply finish. The speed will come with time:) Good luck!
  • lena0882
    lena0882 Posts: 4 Member
    I love using the C25k app to do speedwork and go back to it whenever I need a jumpstart so my opinion is as follows:

    If new to a running routine:
    a) if the speeds you are using are continually challenging, stay where you are at. The main goal is to increase your overall endurance. Building speed can come later.
    b) if you feel like some of the running intervals are getting to feel "easy", I'd suggest playing with the speed a bit more. Maybe increase the speed (or incline) on every other run period.

    If not new to a running routine (any running routine), I'd suggest increasing the speed a bit more. Even if it is for the first or last 30 seconds of a running section. The more you push the speed now, the more you will be able to sustain it later. You can always drop the speed back down.

    The main thing is you are committed to the schedule, working and challenging yourself. Kudos to you :smile:
  • Kerry1023
    Kerry1023 Posts: 152
    WOW.... thank you for all your advice! I REALLY appreciate it. This is what makes this site so Awesome. So many response is such a short time :)

    I will continue with what I am doing and increase when I feel the need. When I enter the 4.5 on MFP it says fast walk so that is what was making me question me activity level.

    Thanks again! And thanks too for the friend requests. I can use all the support & motivation I can get.