Sugar intake?

kswizzy Posts: 15 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
SW: 146
CW: 144.5
GW: 136

Ok so I just changed what my food diary logs to show how much Sugar I'm also ingesting and how that pairs up with what my daily goal is for sugar in a day.

WOW. I've been over Even on days where I was slightly under my 1240 calorie intake. I'm not sure what to do... i feel like I've been eating so healthy already.

I use splenda or truvia instead of sugar when I'm ADDING "sugar" to something (like coffee). But in terms of foods that already have a high amount of sugar... I cant seem to stay away. (and i'm not eating cookies and icecream and candy either).

So... ANy good options out there? Anyone have any good ideas? (OR have the same problem?)

Please advise!!!!

Thanks! :)


  • lovenk
    lovenk Posts: 19
    Wow! I'm going to add that option to see what mine says! I do the same thing, Splenda, Truvia etc... Thanks for the wake up call, I will check back in to see what kind of advice you get!:noway:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Considering how many grams of sugar are in a large apple, I really don't worry that much about it as long as the sugar I am getting is from fat free dairy or from produce. It is the PROCESSED stuff you have to worry about. :flowerforyou:
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I'm over sugar everyday too but then I look at what I eat. I eat fruit which has lots of sugar in it. You don't want to eat like a million grams of sugars in fruit...but the sugar in fruit is okay for you especially if you are taking in the right amoutn of fruits and veggies you are supposed to. Certain fruits have more sugars than others. So don't worry too much about the sugars if you are eating fruit on a normal basis.
  • Sugar is bad but so are all the sugar substitutes out there, for ex. diet soda. I have heard many people say to drink only one diet drink a day or it will adversely affect your health. To get off diet soda: I have found I like certain kinds of tea without sugar, just tea and water, like pomegranate-lemon tea or orange spice. Best to also try things that are already sweet like fruits, dried fruits or a small piece of chocolate in stead of a ton of sugar substitutes or "phony" foods to replace sugar in your diet.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You can subtract fruit, vegetable, and milk sugars. Those don't count towards the sugar intake. I have mine set at 30g right now. I do pretty well at staying under even with protein powders and bars. But I had to cut out a lot of stuff to get it down.

    A lot of your healthy cereals are loaded with sugar.
    Granola bars, Fiber One bars, and a lot of nutrition bars are loaded with sugar.
    That little container of flavored yogurt? Loaded with sugar and could possibly contain added and fake sugars.
    You really have to look at nutrition labels.
    And be very careful about dried fruits and fruit juices. You can gain weight eating too much fruit and dried fruit/juices are like concentrated fruit. You're getting a LOT more sugar but without the fullness. (Dried cranberries have lots of sugar added to them since they are tart on their own).

    and what is so amazing is the number of DIET soda addicts compared to the number of soda addicts. Seems to me that diet soda (or artificial sweeteners) are just as addictive. And they can possibly create more cravings because your body gets sweet but no nutrition so it starts craving what is expected but didn't get. (I'm not very good at explaining things).
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    I have the same issue. I've had to swap out a lot of my foods for items with more protein. It ups your fat for the day, but I find that I rarely go over that anyway. Try: eggs, meat, nuts, or avocado. If you like snack bars or granola bars, switch to the Atkins Endulge bars. They only have 1 sugar.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I am always over mine too, and the main things that I eat that are not "natural" sugars are my protein bars. But Recently I cut all dessert out of my diet, (you said you don't eat lots of those kinds of things) and I lost another two inches in a week. I didn't change anything except cutting my weekend desserts out of my diet and I lost inches. i am still over my sugar, and about 1/4 to 1/2 is natural sugars, and I am losing inches like crazy! as long as a good portion is natural sugars don't stress about it too much!
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    I eat very little refined sugar.

    I turned off the sugar counter the day that I maxed out my sugar allocation with 1 medium banana, 9 brussels sprouts, and 1 cup raw diced rutabaga (yummy, crunchy snack) ... and that was by mid-day.
    I realized that I would always be over because I eat a ton of fruit and veggies. If I had a sweet tooth, I'd probably watch my sugar to keep from overindulging in goodies, but it's not really relevant for me.

    Instead, I track calcium, protein, fiber, and sodium ... since I want to make sure I get enough of the first three and don't overdo it on the fourth.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I am limiting my sugar as well. I don't normally eat alot of sweets, so my sugar comes from milk (skim) and fruits.

    Yesterday, I found some Blue Belles Low Fat Sugar Free Dutch Chocolate ice cream! I had a bowl last night and it is so delicious! 100 calories!
  • kswizzy
    kswizzy Posts: 15 Member
    I'm definitely NOT a diet soda drinker. I'd much rather just drink water than any type of soda to begin with. For beverages sometimes I do add in some crystal light (just to keep it interesting!)

    But today I was over my sugar by the end of breakfast! Just from the sugar in my cereal and in the milk that and my coffee! but yes... I guess milk sugar and sugar from fruits/veggies I can make a little more allowance for.

    I def need to start checking labels more but it's so hard! Some great responses guys!

    kimmerroze - Congrats on the wedding!!
    jessicacrhodes - great idea about the atkins endulge bars
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