

I am a 37 year old mom. My goal is to drop at least 10 lbs before the bikini season starts. I love this site because it makes me more consious of what I eat. I have always been able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight but since I hit 30.....hmmm not so much. So I have been in the habit of eating what I want but controling the amount I would eat. Pretty easy for me and I do feel quite lucky. I am now replaceing what I ate before with more healthy food and still watching my portion size. In the past week I have lost 3 lbs. Portion controle is so importatnt me and my body type. Snacking? I love to snack and have replaced my bad habit of eating cheese to snacking on veggies and raw nuts. I have also been a couch potatoe for a while and am now up off my butt climbing 900 stairs every other day. By the end of this week I plan on completing 1700 stairs each time and take up jogging and lite weight lifting to tone my arms. IT HAS JUST BEGUN!!!!! Wooo hoooo!!!!