help with just dance 2

Hello people that play just dance 2,

I just wondered whether those that do it as a workout and log it - do you just go on the normal section or just sweat?

also do you log how long you play it for or add the the length of the songs together - does that make sense? coz part of playing is just waiting around to load/save etc.



  • dmmsquared
    That is my biggest gripe with Just Dance 2 is the waiting and selecting songs. I usually did just the amount of time. Too hard to keep track and add all the songs together. I wish there was a way in the Just Sweat mode to program in the songs you want to do and they just run one right after the other.

    I recently got Zumba Fitness for Wii and have been loving that. The 45 minute Intermediate classes have a warm-up, cool-down and then the continuous songs in between. I feel like I'm getting a more consistent workout since my heart rate stays up and I don't have to be holding the Wiimote (my other gripe with Just Dance 2) since it goes into a belt that comes with it.
  • tifjo
    tifjo Posts: 5
    I love Just Dance 2!!! Sometimes I play just sweat, but it is pretty much the same as the normal section; so I prefer the normal dancing. Normally I just add the length of the songs together and average it with the time played in the home section. :~)
  • mblanch
    mblanch Posts: 81 Member
    That is my biggest gripe with Just Dance 2 is the waiting and selecting songs. I usually did just the amount of time. Too hard to keep track and add all the songs together. I wish there was a way in the Just Sweat mode to program in the songs you want to do and they just run one right after the other.

    I recently got Zumba Fitness for Wii and have been loving that. The 45 minute Intermediate classes have a warm-up, cool-down and then the continuous songs in between. I feel like I'm getting a more consistent workout since my heart rate stays up and I don't have to be holding the Wiimote (my other gripe with Just Dance 2) since it goes into a belt that comes with it.

    I've preordered zumba coz its not out in the UK til the end of the month. I'm really looking forward to it tho :)
    I have to admit sweat mode wasn't what I thought it was - I'm not sure I really see the point of it.