Looking for support and good recipes

TinkerBellSand Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have already posted my newbie post. I am looking for some good support, tips, and good recipes.


  • Smurph241
    Smurph241 Posts: 24
    Hi there,
    well I joined a week ago and Im loving mfp.

    I never realised how much I ate until strarted recording it daily and truly honestly!! Good luck with your goals and send message when low!! I was today but feel better now i have reached the end of the day!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member

    Advice: Drink water & LOTS of it! Get your mind right. We all fail - pick yourself up the next day with your head held high.

    My recipe submission: I call it the "Ultimate Breakfast." You might have to adjust it to your own appetite. It is a lot of food.
    53g of Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
    226g of 2% Cottage Cheese - I personally prefer Land O' Lakes
    86g of Blueberries - or berries of your choice.

    419 cal
    55g carbs
    8g fat
    36g protein

    Good luck!
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    If you go to the community you will find lots of recipes people have posted. I found a forum on here a couple of weeks ago that was all crockpot recipes. Just type in the search what kind of recipe you are looking for. I am sure you will find some great recipes. MFP has been a great help for me! Don't forget to keep track of your measurements also. I love watching the tape measure go down.
  • That sounds delicious, thank you!
    Thank you so much, I keep reminding myself to drink water but it's hard to get into the habit. I am drinking water now as I type :-)
  • zerafa
    zerafa Posts: 12
    Hi, I'm new on here but may be able to help with recipes.
    If you want to pep up your salad:
    Take a small jamjar and half fill it with equal quantities of concentrated orange and olive oil. Replace the lid and give the jar a good shake and place in the fridge which will help to thicken the dressing a little. Use just one or two teaspoons at most, drizzled over the salad. This keeps for ages as there in the fridge and makes a nice change when you deserve a treat.
    Add Brie cheese from your daily allowance diced and also some sliced strawberries to your salad and drizzle a very small amount of sweet chilli sauce. this has to be my favourite
    Obviously these are not calorie free so must eaten within your daily allowance.
    Hope this helps to stop the boredom!
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