Sick with a cold and running a 4 mile race on Saturday

Ugh. I have a cold and I'm scheduled to run a 4 miler on Saturday morning. I had planned on running at least 4 miles today and then maybe 3 miles on Thursday and that's it until the race. But now I am stuffed up and don't know if it would help or hurt me to try to get those 4 miles in today. What would you do?
Thanks! Donna


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I would do it. If you are just stuffy, I would say it's safe. If it is chest congestion, I'd stay in. That's the bottom line of the advice I've heard.
  • donnareschke
    donnareschke Posts: 9 Member
    Yes I don't have much chest congestion, mostly stuffed up nose. I went ahead and ran thinking I would try to get 4 miles in and even though I felt like crap when I started, I started to slowly feel more like normal as I ran and I actually made it 5 miles. Thanks for your input!