Greetings EVERYONE !! Just joined today and I think this is the hardest thing in the WORLD to lose 40 lbs...I go to the GYM 5 days per week at 45 min cardio and strength training 3x per week...Only lost 4 lbs in a month BUT I HAVE MY ALL DAY CHEAT DAY ONCE A WEEK...so I cannot expect much I guess. I can see there are alot of good supporters and I am happy to join here !! THANK YOU !!!! ZULEMA ...LAS VEGAS NEVADA


  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    Greetings EVERYONE !! Just joined today and I think this is the hardest thing in the WORLD to lose 40 lbs...I go to the GYM 5 days per week at 45 min cardio and strength training 3x per week...Only lost 4 lbs in a month BUT I HAVE MY ALL DAY CHEAT DAY ONCE A WEEK...so I cannot expect much I guess. I can see there are alot of good supporters and I am happy to join here !! THANK YOU !!!! ZULEMA ...LAS VEGAS NEVADA
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck with your lifestyle change. you will find a ton of great support here and answers to all your questions (I hope!). We are all working toward the same goal - healthier lives!

    I encourage you to read the "Newbie" information - I will bump them up to the top of the recent posts for you now.

    Good Luck!
  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    HELLO and thank you for welcoming me ...I REALLY applaud you for losing all that weight I hope I can do it !!!!!:ohwell:
  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    THANK YOU !! pmkelly need ALL the help I can get THANKS !!!
  • scmunchkin
    scmunchkin Posts: 11
    :drinker: A pound a week! You go girl!!
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! Im new today too! We can get started together! You do a lot of great exercise for your body- I'll bet you are toning up really well, etc. A pound a week is awesome weight loss! Good luck! We can help each other keep track!
  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    :flowerforyou: HELLO THERE !! I see all of you are happy at me for ONE pound a WEEK??? IS THAT GOOD ??? I think it's TERRIBLE !! but coming from you this must be GREAT ! and very encouraging ...I have been discouraged due to this ...thanks sooooo MUCH ! ALSO I AM DRINNKING WU-YI TEA !!! do you think this really works ??
  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    HELLO THERE !! I see all of you are happy at me for ONE pound a WEEK??? IS THAT GOOD ??? I think it's TERRIBLE !! but coming from you this must be GREAT ! and very encouraging ...I have been discouraged due to this ...thanks sooooo MUCH ! ALSO I AM DRINNKING WU-YI TEA !!! do you think this really works ?? :wink:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Welcome Zuly, I'm sure you'll love it here as much as the rest of us do! Between the great support system going on, as well as the calorie counter food log, it's "practically" easy to lose the weight!
  • zuly69
    zuly69 Posts: 14
    :happy: Thank you !! I admire all of you for losing the weight already !! WONDERFUL!! you ALL are an encouragement to me...thanks !