An Email Response that Might Help Some ...



  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member

    and makes me so pleased I decided this week to start weight training alongside my cardio
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    thanks for posting!
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    So how do I know my body fat percentage? And what sort of calorie range should I be going for?

    I'm 5'0 and weigh 143 lbs. I seem to yo-yo from 145 to 140 easily (within days), but can't seem to lose a sginificant amount of weight and keep it off. Is this what you are talking about? Do I actually need to increase my daily calories to lose this weight instead of struggling to decrease the amount of calories? That is a very scary concept!

    And to further this extra calorie / exercise thing - should I eat back the calories I burn off? Cause that seems counter-productive. I always thought weight loss was achieved by taking in less calories than you burn ... so if i burn through 1200 calories in a day I need to eat 1000 to lose weight. But obviously my thinking is flawed as I can't get into the "normal" weight range for my body.

    I just want to do this right and see real results that last and that aren't crazy difficult to maintain. It shouldn't be hard to maintain a healthy weight - isn't that why it's considered a healthy weight (because your body should naturally want to be that size on its own)?
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    Wow, very eye opening. I will need to start doing some weight training but not sure how to. I am already walking and running on occasion but have not incorporated weight training. I need to learn that aspect of it because I know it would help me along the way.
  • jackiekjames
    Bump! Thanks for sharing this...its wonderful
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    This is fantastic, great explanation. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information.
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    Very helpful thank you
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Great post. I am so glad you shared it!
  • InTheRightLane
    Bump ... This is why I do body pump.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754