Depo Shot and struggling weight loss

I'm fairly new here, so I'm not sure if anyone else has posted on this topic before. My biggest struggle right now is that I've been on the Depo-Provera shot for over 5 years. It is notorious for weight gain and prevents weight loss. I have switched and tried other birth controls but most of them caused me severe side effect and nothing seems to work except for the shot. The last month, I have been religiously counting calories and exercising 3-4 times a week and no budge on the scale. weight gain either. After a doctor's visit where I was told that I was 20lbs overweight I knew something needed to change. For the longest time I thought I would have to choose either the pain and weight loss or pain-free and weight gain. This week I decided I am not going to go with either of those choices. There HAS to be a way to get both. To stay pain free and on the shot and also lose weight. Has anyone else had issues with this before? What was your solution? I have read so many negative AND positive reviews on Depo and while I appreciate those who don't agree with the drug, I'm more interested in those who have had experience with weight loss while being on it.


  • boomstick13s
    i'm on the depo shot, too. the shot is only responsible for a little bit of weight, just try to stay on program and you'll be amazed that the weight can drop just like people who aren't on it. more than 5 years sounds excessive, though. every 4 or 5 my dr. makes me take a break from depo to give my body a rest and catch up to where it should be.
  • flutterqueen04
    I was on the depro shot and gained over 20lbs in one year. I was where you were. I HATED the weight gain or lack of loss but with all the issues I had I loved how it took care of those. After gaining another 5 lbs though I decided to get off it and now I've lost all the weight I gained on it and going for more (I was over weight to begin with!!) I am happier now and have found that all the problems that I had have gone away or significantly decreased as my weight did and as I got healthier. Now this is JUST ME. And what WORKED FOR ME :) I totally understand your struggle!! I wish there was a way that I could have stayed on it and be doing as good as I am doing now. Heck I miss not having to worry about a period (now they always seem to fall at the worst time for me, grr!) The only advice I can give you is keep at it. You might have to work a lil harder than most because of the shot but its by no means impossible. Look into taking multivitamins that help with the minerals you need to help starve off the cravings that the shot can induce. Also drink PLENTY of water to also help with the bloat that it causes too. And the best advice of all is talk with your doctor about it all. He/she may have other patients who struggled with this and may be able to give you advice on how to handle it :) Stay strong and keep at it!! :)