

  • johnnyeaker
    I own both and have completed both... P90X twice. It's interesting to see the Insanity love over P90X but I get it, no equipment, just moving and sweating and shorter workouts.

    Insanity is really for the cardio lover, if you don't like cardio that much, Insanity is not for you. I enjoy cardio, more kickboxing cardio type of stuff, but my favorite is weights which is probably why I prefer P90X. Toning up is my overall goal but if you're looking to shed fat quick, Insanity is your best bet.

    Either way, you'll do great!

    Yep - what she said :)

    Just depends what your goals are. Want a total body workout then P90X is the way to go. Insanity is crazy cardio and will lean you out and give you the tone and definition.

    I did my first round of P90X and lost 30 lbs. Then did insanity after that, lost 10 more and saw more definition but lost strength. Back on my second round of P90X right now but mixing in Insanity for my cardio days and it is awesome. Seeing best results of my life!
  • Johnnygirl777
    I own both and have completed both... P90X twice. It's interesting to see the Insanity love over P90X but I get it, no equipment, just moving and sweating and shorter workouts.

    Insanity is really for the cardio lover, if you don't like cardio that much, Insanity is not for you. I enjoy cardio, more kickboxing cardio type of stuff, but my favorite is weights which is probably why I prefer P90X. Toning up is my overall goal but if you're looking to shed fat quick, Insanity is your best bet.

    Either way, you'll do great!

    Yep - what she said :)

    Just depends what your goals are. Want a total body workout then P90X is the way to go. Insanity is crazy cardio and will lean you out and give you the tone and definition.

    I did my first round of P90X and lost 30 lbs. Then did insanity after that, lost 10 more and saw more definition but lost strength. Back on my second round of P90X right now but mixing in Insanity for my cardio days and it is awesome. Seeing best results of my life!

    Oooo that's a good idea, mix them both together! I lost strength too doing just Insanity but gained cardio endurance like mad. I'm about to restart P90X after I finish what I'm on and maybe I'll toss in some Insanity days for that endurance and burn. Great idea!!
  • Johnnygirl777
    Resistance bands and basic weights are needed for P90X. There are also three cardio workouts within the P90X program.

    They ask you to get a pullup bar as well or hook your resistance bands up high to use that in place of pullups. I got a pullup bar you put in your doorway for $29 and being able to eventually do a real full pullup what one of the highlights of my fitness life!
  • JustMichelleB
    I'm on wk 10 of P90X and really loving it (despite the time commitment). More tone and lean muscle, not so much in the weight loss department (i weigh 135, hoping to get below 130, i'm 5'3"). I have seen the INsanity work out (my sister has done both). and it's well, insane. Very high impact, liek PLYO on steroids. I'm sticking with my P90X for now (with a day or two of running thrown in).
  • speterson26
    Depends on what you enjoy and what you think you will stick with. Personally, I don't feel like I am getting an overall workout if I am not doing strength training at least three days per week and then adding in cardio for 2-3 days, so I prefer P90X.