Hey There

Hi there
I am a working woman and my job is a desk job not lot of moving.
I have been trying work outs for past couple of months, though haven't seen huge difference.I figure need to watch what I eat too...
Hope all the cool tools here help me track things...My goal for first five weeks is to get rid of 10% of my body weight :)


  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    ambitious goal, best of luck in achieving it
    Keep us posted on how you do; It's always great to hear success stories
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    Good Luck I'm sure you'll reach your goal in no time! The support you get from MFP is amazing.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • pookie55
    pookie55 Posts: 16 Member
    You will do fine with MFP. We are all one big happy family with great support.
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    My advice would be to cut out all sodas and sugar drinks... TODAY as been 2 weeks since i've done it and its been water everyday and maybe 1 or 2 unsweetend teas... Leave all the sweets alone and choose healthy foods... I cant tell you what kind because we all have different taste... What time do you get off of work? You could go to the gym or you could go for a walk around your neighborhood.. Keep us posted on how your journey goes.. :bigsmile:
  • 16henryk
    16henryk Posts: 7
    We are all one BIG happy family with great support.:heart:
  • bmj1985
    bmj1985 Posts: 32
    I just started last week too! I will send you a friend request, it's a great way to stay on track :)
  • b4bena
    b4bena Posts: 23
    Thanks all of you for responding!
    @ krystleRD, Thanks for input I finish my work about 4.30-5 and head right to work out...I try to do 45 mins cardio 3 days a week and 1 day a week strength training...I need to lose whole bunch of weight but I am braking down my goals and taking a phased approach 10% is my phase 1, and reward will be new jeans :)

    Again thanks all of you guys! I will make sure to keep posting my updates!