Weight-lifting vs. Cardio workouts?

mb1883 Posts: 37
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
From everything I've heard, you burn more calories during cardio workouts but how many calories do you typically burn when you are lifting weights? Is it substantially less than a cardio workout?


  • tammythe
    tammythe Posts: 5
    It is less, but if you do it about 3x a week you will be able to manage your weight much more easily. Having more muscle raises your metabolism, even while at rest. Go for it!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    You can also blend your lifting into cardio by doing circuits with minimal rest that keep your heart rate elevated.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    A rule of thumb would be to incorporate both, Cardio burns the fat and weights help your body burn fat also. In my opinion your not going to see what your toning if you have fat sitting on top of it but if your continuing to tone while doing cardio it will be there waiting for the day you can see it :) But to answer your questions it is less then cardio... If you think about it which one is harder to do? CARDIO... I love when it's weight time because it's not nearly as hard as doing cardio but I lik to burn fat too. good luck :)
  • I would have to disagree....weight lifting is MUCH harder if you are pushing yourself to the max. It's only easier if you aren't pushing yourself to the max (or close to it)
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    Having the increased muscle mass also helps you burn fat. You don't have to bulk up. Also, weight training helps fight osteoporsis.
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    If you think about it which one is harder to do? CARDIO... I love when it's weight time because it's not nearly as hard as doing cardio but I lik to burn fat too. good luck :)

    Personally, I agree. I'm so out of shape, when you add the fact that I have asthma, cardio is much harder stamina wise. I do enjoy different type of challenge from weights, though.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Cardio burns more calories while you're performing the exercise, but strength training keeps your metabolism elevated for up to 48 hours after you workout, as your body repairs the muscles. It's best to do both, as the strength training helps you keep the muscle mass you have already as well as adding more muscle, which helps burn more calories, while doing cardio burns fat to make the muscles more visible and give you a more toned look.
  • I say it depends. If you are really pushing yourself to feel the burn during weight workouts and doing circuit weight training where you dont rest much then it is very hard and you will get a great workout. Cardio in the form of Max Interval Training is crazy hard in my opinion but very effective in burning the fat. Both depend on the intensity you are bringing to the workout!
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I would have to disagree....weight lifting is MUCH harder if you are pushing yourself to the max. It's only easier if you aren't pushing yourself to the max (or close to it)
    Definitely! If you're just using those little two pound "Barbie Doll" weights, then weight training is pretty easy. Challenge yourself and use some heavier weights. Remember, if you can do more than 15 reps with the weight your using, it's time to bump things up a notch!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Cardio burns both fat and muscle. It's a common misconception that it only targets fat.

    A proper exercise routine needs a little of both. :smile:
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