Losing Weight Advice???

I'm currently on a lifestyle choice (diets don't work for me; I try and I gain it back) but I need a little more help on losing my belly fat for seventh grade. I'm at a healthy weight (4'8 , 90lbs) but I'd like to lose my belly fat and decrease my appetite; I think I've been decreasing it because I never get hungry for snacks except for after dinner sometimes. I'd like to decrease my appetite to where I eat smaller portions and at in longer time ranges. I so far eat 1000 calories a day and exercise 1 hour a day on the treadmill (2.5mph for one hour; I'd like to be able to walk longer at a further speed.) My BMR is 1081 and my BMI says I'm at a healthy weight. I gain my weight in my mid-section. I feel that my current diet thing is working (I've lost 6lbs in 5 days by doing this and sometimes eating up to 1300 calories). Any good tips or further ideas? If I keep going will I eventually be able to at less and exercise more. :) Thank you!

My BMR says that I burn 1081 calories by breathing and sleeping, etc. daily and so I eat 1000 calories plus I walk 2.5 mi which burns somewhere in the 300's so I burn about 1381 calories daily; is that enough?


  • AbbyIsWangsterful
    AbbyIsWangsterful Posts: 170 Member
    I'm currently on a lifestyle choice (diets don't work for me; I try and I gain it back) but I need a little more help on losing my belly fat for seventh grade. I'm at a healthy weight (4'8 , 90lbs) but I'd like to lose my belly fat and decrease my appetite; I think I've been decreasing it because I never get hungry for snacks except for after dinner sometimes. I'd like to decrease my appetite to where I eat smaller portions and at in longer time ranges. I so far eat 1000 calories a day and exercise 1 hour a day on the treadmill (2.5mph for one hour; I'd like to be able to walk longer at a further speed.) My BMR is 1081 and my BMI says I'm at a healthy weight. I gain my weight in my mid-section. I feel that my current diet thing is working (I've lost 6lbs in 5 days by doing this and sometimes eating up to 1300 calories). Any good tips or further ideas? If I keep going will I eventually be able to at less and exercise more. :) Thank you!

    My BMR says that I burn 1081 calories by breathing and sleeping, etc. daily and so I eat 1000 calories plus I walk 2.5 mi which burns somewhere in the 300's so I burn about 1381 calories daily; is that enough?
  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33

    I have a daughter about your age - she turns 12 in September - and she also carries a little weight around her belly that makes her self-conscious. I will tell you what I tell her. Don't worry about counting calories. Just try to eat healthy (chosing fruits and vegetables as often as possible, saving "treats" like candy, soda, cake for once a day) and make sure you get lots of exercise (and I don't mean by running on a treadmill, but just playing with your friends in the pool, on your bike, on the basketball court, at the park, etc).

    Your body is changing rapidly right now. I can tell from your height and wieght that you have a LOT more growing to do. It is VERY common in the early stages of puberty to have a little belly. Soon you will hit your growth spurt, and you will find that your belly will flatten out (until you have your first baby, but that's a totally different story- LOL!). It is EXTREMELY unhealthy to restrict your calories to 1000 or even 1300/day - that is not enough for a growing girl.

    Your post has me very concerned that you are developing unhealthy habits that could lead to eating disorders like anorexia. You need to talk to your parents or another trusted adult about your concerns and your eating/exercise habits. Perhaps your parents can make you an appointment to talk to your doctor about your "lifestyle choice." At the very least, do some google searching on the appropriate number of calories for a girl your age - I'm confident that you'll find that 1381 calories is not enough to feed your growing brain and body.

    Good luck to you. And remember, you are beautiful just the way you are!!! :flowerforyou:

  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33
    Hi Abby,

    Here is a website I found. Please check it out. It says that you should be consuming 2200 calories/day. http://www.faqs.org/nutrition/A-Ap/Adolescent-Nutrition.html

    Also, MFP is a great website, but it is meant for those of us who have been through the other side of puberty. Here's one for teens, though. Check it out: www.sparkteens.com. I think you will find it much more appropriate for your needs!

    Feel free to email me if you want to chat more. :flowerforyou:
