In a rut!

Okay, so I (and the rest of my family) have been sick for about a week now! I stopped exercising (I have been doing the 30 Day Shre since Monday because of being so worn down and severe sore throat. Then yesterday I sort of binged. I have no idea why I did it (I did, however, go on a nice hike with my husband) but I did. And then today my boss (I work at a very family oriented clinic) brought in a huge amount of junk food since tomarrow is fat tuesday and, again, I couldn't resist and have ate WAY to much again today!
So now I don't know how to get myself out of this rut. I still don't feel that I can handle the 30 day shred but feel likeI need to to do something or I will get back to my old ways of eating junk! I just need the self control since my co-workers are always bringing in junk I just can't seem to be able to resist the temptation!


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I just broke out of a rut myself!

    I think the very simple (and pretty much only) answer is to just put your foot down and say no to the temptation, and yes to the exercise. Just get up and workout, and just say no to the trigger foods. It's what worked for me, and it only takes that one time to do it!
  • dgierschke
    dgierschke Posts: 21 Member
    I am a emotional eater and I am so easily tempted by downfall. If candy is yours, just allow yourself one piece. don't be to hard on yourself!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    hang in there, lots more ruts to come just stick with it and bounce back. I have been batteling it 170 days and I am winning.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    everytime i think of doing a 'cheat' i ask myself,,, do i want to move forward to set myself backward... and that seems to keep me in check. everytime i think of cheating with something that is X # of calories, i'm like "geez that would make my entire workout a complete waste'. and also tell yourself 'if it was easy to lose weight, everyone would do it'.

    i wouldn't rec'd setting such high goals like doing 30 day shred evfery day. there's a lot that can happen that will affect you reaching your goal... every other day or every 2 days is something that is do-able & if you work out every day... kudos to you but if you m iss a day... you're still on target.
    the problem people have w/keeping the weight off is they shock their lifestyle but doing all lthis 'hardcore' diet & exercise & then do ot keep it up after the weeight is off... keep is do-able & something you can maintain... even if it takes longer.

    i bet as soon as you workout again, you'll feel back on track
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Maybe try going for a walk.. do something outdoors or something that is actually fun! (instead of doing the shred or going to the gym).
  • sunnygirlray1
    We all get in ruts. Important thing is progress not perfection! When I lost 90 pounds nine years ago I didn't do it with perfect weeks. In fact I just had more days where I stayed at my calorie limit than when I didn't. I recently followed another woman's journey who lost ninety pounds and she recorded her weight every week for one year and it was amazing to see she had 13 weeks out of 52 weeks where she gained weight however she got to her goal. I think I had to lose the my stinking thinking that if I blew it I was shipwrecked. Today if I get a flat tire I don't get out of my car and shoot the other three tires out instead I fix it and get back on my journey, that is how it is with my body for life journey! Hope this helps!