OnDemand Fitness Challenge - Week 1

Here we go.. Welcome to week one everyone!!

Our first challenge starts Monday, March 7th.
OnDemand Channel - Excercise TV
Category - Walking
Program - Start Walking 1Mile by Leslie Sansone
Length of Time - 23 Minutes
Instructor - Leslie Sansone

Here's how it will work -
Every Sunday we will post which "show" we will be doing for the following week - Everyone will be doing the same one (starting Mondays)
You can excercise any time of the day, however you should do it once a day
Each week we will change it (so it doesn't get boring)
If you have a show you really enjoy doing & want to share, we'd LOVE to take requests!!
Hopefully everyone will be able to see the same shows and work out "together"

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, concerns or just can't WAIT to get started!!!!
Happy walking!!!

PS - Keep us posted on how things are going!! Week two is going to be just as fun! Let us know if there is a work out in particular that you would like to do and we'll see what we can do :)


  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    shes alright i guess... im doing jillian micheals boost metabolism and 30 day shred lvl one.how bout doing two- to alternate and keep from boredom?
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    Everyone is more than welcome to add a fitness program to the one we've posted, however to keep things simple (and since this our first week) we are only posting one a week.
    This may change, depending on suggestions from everyone :)
    Thanks for your imput and we hope you will join us!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    That was fun and easy!! Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!! Can't wait till tomorrow :)