trainer kicked my butt!

1113cw Posts: 830 Member
Holy cow!

I recently switched gyms and new members get a free 1hr evaluation session with a trainer. Oh my lord did he kick my butt!! Here I thought I would do fairly well since I've been confident that I've been progressively doing better in the last 45 days or so that I've really been putting in an effort... not so much...

But it was really eye opening.. was a good thing overall.. gave me tips on what types of strength training activities to do to reach my goals. Up until now I've done virtually nothing in that area unless you count Wii Fit, lol. He advised me to definitely include strengthy training to increase metabolism. Also gave me some good tips on cardio. I've been logging about 45-60 min on the treadmill, 4-6 times a week. He said that was fine but to mix it up to "shake up" my muscles and such.. so maybe 30 min treadmill, 15 min elliptical, 15 bike.

Just thought I'd share the experience.. it was definitely a good thing. If I can swing it, I may buy a few more sessions. Highly recommend it for anyone that has it available to them!