
Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
My name is Sarah and I am on here to lose a little weight, get toned up, and be able to fit comfortably into my wedding dress in October. As of now, I can't eat at my wedding, the dress may rip if I do. I need to lose about 15 pounds for it to fit comfortably. And for the people wondering why I got a dress too small, it wasn't small when I bought it last September. So, if anyone is in my predicament as well, feel free to friend me and we can share advice and what we have learned.


  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    Good luck
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    You're totally an overachiever... I haven't even put any thought into buying my formal dress yet, and my wedding is October 16 :-).

    Part of me says "Meh, wedding food kind of sucks anyways." but my heart says you're going to rock this weight off!