


  • ChristineMiller2
    I'm giving up 200 extra calories a day, simplifying means and ditching the "frill" with eating. Keeping it basic.
  • aschultz9
    aschultz9 Posts: 89
    I am thinking coffee creamer. Sounds stupid, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that. My kids are all giving up desert.
  • Skiergirl4
    Two years ago I tried something new. I gave up giving something up for Lent. :) Instead, I decided to add in a habit/activity that was positive, figuring that by the end of Lent it would become a habit. I started reading a few Bible stories to my daughter each night. We've now made it through her children's Bible many times and she is much more familiar with the people and events in the Bible. It has been a wonderful experience for us that has continued long past the Lenten season.
  • 1sandypoint
    1sandypoint Posts: 3 Member
    I was thinking of red meat and only doing chicken/fish, but the red meats are not my problem as much as the indulgences i allow myself. i'm going over to join the challenge too.
  • Vtrembacki
    Vtrembacki Posts: 49 Member
    Two years ago I tried something new. I gave up giving something up for Lent. :) Instead, I decided to add in a habit/activity that was positive, figuring that by the end of Lent it would become a habit. I started reading a few Bible stories to my daughter each night. We've now made it through her children's Bible many times and she is much more familiar with the people and events in the Bible. It has been a wonderful experience for us that has continued long past the Lenten season.

    i definitely agree that "giving up" something is not the purpose of lent. Its to sacrifice something like Jesus did. But I think religion in general is about being a better person, and so I do really like the idea of doing something (or giving up something) that makes you a better person. For example instead of giving something up you could spend more time with family, or try to stop talking about people behind their backs. When I was a kid i used to give up being mean to my brother.
    Maybe along with texting and driving, I will try and call my parents more....
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Two years ago I tried something new. I gave up giving something up for Lent. :) Instead, I decided to add in a habit/activity that was positive, figuring that by the end of Lent it would become a habit. I started reading a few Bible stories to my daughter each night. We've now made it through her children's Bible many times and she is much more familiar with the people and events in the Bible. It has been a wonderful experience for us that has continued long past the Lenten season.

    Love this! :-)
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Very cool!!
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    I have been thinking about either alcohol or caffeine. We'll see though.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Maybe along with texting and driving, I will try and call my parents more....

    OMG - can I adopt you? Or maybe I could just hook you up with my 3 children (ages 26, 23 and almost 21) and you could be a good influence on them? :laugh:
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    I think I'm giving up texting a driving. I'm not giving up anything fod wise, because I dont feel like there is one thing I eat too much of that is bad for me.

    Does this mean you would go back to texting and driving after Lent? Please, please, please......I beg you not to put your life and the lives of everyone around you at risk. No message is that important!
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    I have decided to give up drinking alcohol during the weekdays. Friday and Saturday are fine. Sun-Thurs are off limits though.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I have the mouth of a sailor, so I'm trying to clean it up during Lent. I'm not necessarily "giving up" cursing, but I am trying to refrain from cursing as much as possible. I did give up the f-bomb though. Such an ugly habit. :(
  • 123gash
    123gash Posts: 1
    Ive given up cheese, bread, butter, deserts, chocolate,sugar, added sugar, crisps and biscuits and I'm only drinking tea and water and doing one hour of exercise everyday x
  • eandrus
    eandrus Posts: 45 Member
    Two years ago I tried something new. I gave up giving something up for Lent. :) Instead, I decided to add in a habit/activity that was positive, figuring that by the end of Lent it would become a habit. I started reading a few Bible stories to my daughter each night. We've now made it through her children's Bible many times and she is much more familiar with the people and events in the Bible. It has been a wonderful experience for us that has continued long past the Lenten season.

    Great idea. From a FB Group: "As Lent begins, people talk about giving up various indulgences, some give up chocolate, others alcohol and the big thing this year is Facebook. Instead of giving something up, why not GIVE YOUR TIME instead (at least an hour a week). Volunteer at a soup kitchen, mentor an at-risk child, help out a non-profit, etc. Giving up something is a challenge, GIVING ONE'S TIME is a BIGGER CHALLENGE."