Losing without excercise?



  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    It's is possible to reach your goals on calorie counting alone. Of course though, the more you move the better for you and your health! <<<----Needs to follow her own advice.

    Good luck busy mommy!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I lost about 20lbs in 2006 without any exercise other than a daily walk (aprox 30 minutes).

    This time round I am trying to factor in a bit more exercise, but I personally think it is possible to lose weight just by dieting..
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Consider this study completed by Appalachian State University:


    A group of 91 obese women were put into one of four groups:

    Group 1 followed a calorie restricted diet of 1,200 - 1,300 calories a day with no exercise
    Group 2 performed aerobic exercise for 45 minutes, five days each week but no diet restriction
    Group 3 tried exercise and diet
    Group 4 acted as a control

    Group 2 lost an average of only three pounds of fat despite aerobic exercise of almost four hours each week. Group 3 who combined diet and exercise lost the most, an average of 16 lbs. However, this was only a SINGLE (ie ONE) pound more than Group 1 who followed a diet only approach. One conclusion was that exercise, or specifically moderate aerobic exercise, has only a "minor, nonsignificant effect" on fat loss although there were cardivascular (ie health benefits)

    Now, if you PRIMARY goal is fat loss then creating a calorie deficit through (good) diet is your biggest weapon. There's no getting round this.

    This is then followed by resistance / strength training to preserve lean mass.

    This is then followed by aerobic exercise.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Consider this study completed by Appalachian State University:


    A group of 91 obese women were put into one of four groups:

    Group 1 followed a calorie restricted diet of 1,200 - 1,300 calories a day with no exercise
    Group 2 performed aerobic exercise for 45 minutes, five days each week but no diet restriction
    Group 3 tried exercise and diet
    Group 4 acted as a control

    Group 2 lost an average of only three pounds of fat despite aerobic exercise of almost four hours each week. Group 3 who combined diet and exercise lost the most, an average of 16 lbs. However, this was only a SINGLE (ie ONE) pound more than Group 1 who followed a diet only approach. One conclusion was that exercise, or specifically moderate aerobic exercise, has only a "minor, nonsignificant effect" on fat loss although there were cardivascular (ie health benefits)

    Now, if you PRIMARY goal is fat loss then creating a calorie deficit through (good) diet is your biggest weapon. There's no getting round this.

    This is then followed by resistance / strength training to preserve lean mass.

    This is then followed by aerobic exercise.

    This is interesting. TFS.
    I haven't been really exercising, active, yes.
    I do like to do push-ups to tone up my arms crunches would be good too (and lord knows I need them) but I have an injured tailbone and it hurts too much to do.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    If you do not exercise your metabolism will stay slow... You can lose weight, but it will be overall weight including muscle. You will become a smaller version of yourself, but not lean and mean.
  • charming_chrissy
    thanks guys, I'll definately try to make an extra effort and get a little excercise in...
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    For me, exercise came before the calorie-counting.

    But I think that many people overrate exercise as a calorie reducer. They're both important, but if I run for 30-40 minutes I burn about 550-750 calories. Keep in mind that a pound is roughly 3500 calories. So those rigorous 750 calorie runs, it would take 5 of them just to shed one pound. You can lose a lot more than that by cutting calories.