Big Thighs

deannarey13 Posts: 452
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been working at weight loss for 9 months now. I have lost 20 pounds and I feel great - overall. I feel healthy and strong. However, when I put my clothes on (now 2 full sizes smaller, YEAH!) and look in the mirror I still feel discouraged. My waist fits comfortably in a size 4 pants, but my thighs not so much. They have always been large but I thought as I would lose weight, it would come off porportionately. My stomach is nearly flat and now becoming muscular, but my thighs still are quite large and fatty.

What can I do!? I do Cardio Kickboxing twice per week and Step Aerobics once per week. I also do some elliptical workouts two or three times per week. Then once per week, I do stregnth training for my legs. HELP!?


  • unckat09
    unckat09 Posts: 97
    I have big thighs, too. Unfortunately, you can't spot reduce fat. However, Jillian Michaels randomly gave some really good advice for thigh work. I used to do strength training on my legs, as well, but that is actually counter productive as it makes your leg muscles larger. Body weight training (i.e., pilates) is actually much better for toning that area. I had never thought of it like that before, but it really makes sense. Weighted machines that work the inner and outer thighs are a no go for us "thigh-y" women.

    Also, I started doing spin class, and I have seriously seen a difference in my legs. Much like pilates, spin will help tone your thighs without making them bulky (at least in my experience). I hope this helps. Good luck!
  • Charrisse
    Charrisse Posts: 163
    Spin for sure!
    I noticed a BIG difference after about 12 weeks of spin class (its only 2x a week - which is a bummer!)
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I agree a Spin class ,or even using the spin bike will tone your thighs, and they won't become 'bulky' good luck
  • I was just about to type what unckat09 said, workouts for the thighs aren't exactly always helpful. They just end up building the muscle keeping them the same size or bigger. the best thing to do it keep them tone (I am a big thigh girl too!)
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I have big thighs, too. As does my mom, and my poor little 6 year old niece. They're probably the #1 reason I thought I was fat in high school when I wasn't. For me, it's just my body type and I have to accept it.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks for the pointers, unckat09 and agarner87! I have the same problem and it is always discouraging to try on pants and not be able to get them up my thighs only to try on a larger size and then they are way too big around the waist.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I was about to go searching through the threads for this exact question! My thighs don't seem that big to me but I have really big calves. Actually, you can barely see my knees!! And I am just under 130 lbs. Like you said, the stomach is getting flat and jeans are fitting so nice in the waist but the legs are not budging!

    I run a couple times per week, but I know I should do it more. I started running because I once heard that running works the entire body and the weight will drop more proportionally from this exercise. Has anyone heard this or had any luck slimming their legs this way?
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Bump. Big thighs in the house. I want to see what others post as well.
  • unckat09
    unckat09 Posts: 97
    I run a couple times per week, but I know I should do it more. I started running because I once heard that running works the entire body and the weight will drop more proportionally from this exercise. Has anyone heard this or had any luck slimming their legs this way?

    Back when I was your age (OH SO LONG AGO!!) I would run about 3 times a week and incoporate hills. Once or twice a week I would add squats to the end of my work out. No fun at all, but it produced results! This routine would do wonders for my legs.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I run a couple times per week, but I know I should do it more. I started running because I once heard that running works the entire body and the weight will drop more proportionally from this exercise. Has anyone heard this or had any luck slimming their legs this way?

    Back when I was your age (OH SO LONG AGO!!) I would run about 3 times a week and incoporate hills. Once or twice a week I would add squats to the end of my work out. No fun at all, but it produced results! This routine would do wonders for my legs.

    Thanks for the advice! I bailed on my Jillian Michaels DVD because she had me in squat hell, but they are one of those exercises where you can feel immediately that you are being worked!! I'll try to work them back in to my routine and cross my fingers that my knees will come out of hiding!!
  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    Bump. Big thighs in the house. I want to see what others post as well.

    LOL, love this
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Thanks for the pointers ladies!
  • Ladies you are so smart! Spinning, Pilates, and Yoga are all great for toning that area. However, if your fabulous flat belly fits comfortably into a size 4 and your thighs don't, you may just be one of those hourglass figures that I covet. There are times that I have to remind myself: designers jeans are not my best friends, but my tailor is. :)
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Can I join this club? I've always had bigger thighs in proportion to the rest of my body and years of volleyball didn't help the matter. As I've lost weight, I really haven't noticed much reduction in my thighs and I love working out on the stationary bike. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'll always have strong, muscular, BIG thighs, which is better than flabby, cottage-cheese, BIG thighs. :laugh:

    We all have that one spot that will never be as small as we want. If you're happy with the rest of your body, embrace your shape and enjoy keeping it healthy. :happy:
  • tjwanek
    tjwanek Posts: 10 Member
    On the other hand.....


    Motivation for us weak guys. :-)
  • are the bikes in spin class the same as a stationary bike?
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    My thighs are the bane of my existence! Jeans fitting perfectly in the waist but too tight in the thighs? The story of my life :/

    I have noticed a BIG difference since using the stationary bike. After using it intensely for about two weeks I was devastated as I felt like my thighs were getting bigger! My jeans were definitely tighter. I was so disheartened, but a few knowledgable MFP folks assured me that my thigh muscles were not bulking up, they were simply retaining important fluid to try and heal after such strenuous use. I took about three days off to rest, and voila - fluid went away and thighs slimmer than ever! Even my cellulite is disappearing! I've devised a new workout plan now that involves using the stationary bike Mon, Wed & Fri and resting on weekends to give the muscles time to heal.

    Hope I've helped some of you. There IS hope out there!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Have you seen Barbell Apparel Jeans?! They make jeans for those with muscular legs/butts and they're extremely functional so you never have to worry about ripping your jeans in the crotch ever again.!!!!!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    BAHHHHHH :angry:
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Eat at a deficit and do plenty of squats and deadlifts. Lots of heavy weight. It will NOT make you bulky.
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