back at it....

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So I was doing so good working out and watching what I ate then Life got the best of me... Not gonna make excuses no time to workout and then watching what I ate fell at the waist side better yet it went out the window. Long story short gained 10lbs since November (I'm like a bear about to go into hibernation) to make it worst I was already carrying an additional 5lbs that I had gained so thats a total of 15lbs that I have gained. So I now must lose the 15lbs I gained plus the remaining to get to my goal weight which I don't know what I want that to be when I get there I will know. So as of last week I was back at it Mon-Thursday I was in the gym. Monday and Tuesday I hit the cardio room, Wednesday I took a boot camp class and loved it, Thursday a kick boxing class. This week Monday hit the gym even though I wasn't feeling good and Today I did P90x shoulders and Arms and I'm about to grab my dog and hit the pavement because I need some cardio as well. I enjoyed the classes but I don't like the time that they are it's much easier for me to knock out a workout early since I have recently opened up my schedule a little bit. Wish the classes were earlier but it is what it is. I'm back at it now and I'm more focused it's mandatory for me to workout Monday-Thursday I don't even get dressed in the morning I brush my teeth throw on gym clothes and put my hair in a pony tail.

Good luck to everyone and if you fall off the wagon you just have to hop right back on. I must say that I have missed my workouts I enjoy getting a little me time even if it's only an hour a day. Okay time to hit the pavement.
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