Why does my weight keep going back up?

lipstickjungle Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to lose weight, and every time I make some progress I just go right back to where I started.
I started out at 145lbs and I'm eating a healthy diet and running every day. About a week ago I injured my ankle and so I haven't run for a week but I'm starting again today.
Anyway when I started working out I originally got to 141 pounds, then the next week when I weighed myself I had gone back up to 143. Last week, before my injury when I weighed myself I was 139. Last night when I weighed myself I was, once again, 143.

It's really effing frustrating to be trying to hard to lose weight, to be counting my calories and not to be snacking and to be exercising (not last week but every. single. day) and still be gaining weight. I don't know what I can do or why this is happening. Can anyone help me out? I've had trouble losing weight before and had bloodwork done and I don't have a thyroid problem but I do have a little bit of a low estrogen level.


  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    you will always weigh more at night. Weigh yourself on the same day every week first thing in the morning. Stand in the same spot on the scale. Also take your measurements. They might be changing down.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    It is important to understand that your weight is going to fluctuate, and based on what you have described I would say that is normal.

    One thing to consider, however, is your sodium intake. Is it high? Sodium generally can cause you to retain water, hence the mass fluctuation.

    Either way, don't get discouraged- you can do it!
    Hope this helps!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Last week did you weigh in the morning? if so this week when you weighed at night, you will most certainly weigh more.... Last week did you weight yourself after working out before working out?

    Are you weighing yourself with the same variables EVERY time? most people suggest weighing yourself first thing in the morning naked after using the bathroom. YOU WILL ALWAYS WEIGH MORE AT NIGHT. its not the best time to weigh yourself.

    I would also throw out that scale if I were you, its not going to tell you if you are gaining muscle, its not going to tell you if you are losing fat. It simply tells you how much your mass weighs. Pick up a measuring tape instead.

    Thats my advice, take it or leave it. =)
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    might want to share your food journal to get some feedback on ways to improve your food choices!
  • I have the same problem! Neelia has a point on the sodium, try to avoid high salt you can hold up to 5lbs of water weight and lose it all in a day. Drink lots of water to help flush your system to prevent the water weight. If you dont want to drink nothing but water you can drink cranberry juice as well. It has anti-oxidents and helps to flush out the system too.

    did you take your measurements before you started working out?
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    What calories are you allocated, what calories are you ACTUALLY eating. (eating too little may be responsible)

    Are you using your own calorie count or are you using other users entries (others entries are often way off the mark and should be double/triple checked)

    What are your sodium levels at?

    Are you honestly counting everything, your cups of tea, the splash of milk/sugar in them the odd single biscuit or bite of this that or the other?

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? If you do try not eating all of them (some of the burns stated are much higher than what most people using a HRM burn) If you aren't eating them then try eating some of them

    Always weigh yourself at the same time of day, morning is best after using the bathroom.

    If the numbers are getting you down go and get your body fat % tested, hide the scales then get retested in a months time.

    EDIT: typos
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    So you went from 145 to 141 to 139 ?? I'd say the scale is (ultimately) going in the right direction. My weight bounces all over the place, I only log the lowest numbers however. And the bottom line (haha) is that I AM losing...and the bounces back up aren't as big as they used to be. Stick to it and keep tracking. Looks to me like its working!! :flowerforyou:
  • neelixo2
    neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
    hiya,we are sailing in the same boat:flowerforyou: I posted on here earlier with the same kind of issue-I shared my diary and got some really good advice.I thought i was choosing healthy but only when i posted did i get a wake up call. I have sat down and planned a whole weeks menu and shopping list so fingers crossed.

    I too was gutted with my weigh in today-thankfully the advice i have received has helped me focus.
    Stay strong and good luck
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I feel the same way as you. When I started MFP I weighed in at 144. I was down to 138 a week later. So, of course I was ecstatic with the results. However, I had a huge moment of weakness over the weekend and went back up to 142 (I'm sure it was the sodium but it's still so discouraging), then I went down to 141 the next day. BUT, then I went back up to 144 this morning. It's so depressing, but I'm sure there was a lot of sodium in my food intake last evening. I don't believe I went over my calorie intake by that much, but it is hard to track when you are at a girls night and everyone brings something that they made. Plus, I know I have to stop weighing myself so much, but it's so addiciting!

    Two small bumps I suppose....but ready to get back on track for sure!
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    I too am experiencing the same thing. It is totally normal. I started at 197, dropped to 192, dropped to 187, up to 193, down to 185, up to 187, down to 181, up to 185, down to 178, up to 182, down to 177 which is where i am at now. I notice when it is that time of the month i go up by 5-6 lbs, and when it is over i retain water for at least a week. I was discouraged untill i only started logging the lowest numbers. i know i am losing inches because i measure myself every week or two. and i can physically see a difference as can everyone around me.
    The best moment for me came when i was washing my face and started feeling where the bones in my cheeks, forehead and chin were. I know, weird right. but i felt so good i danced around in the shower. It is hard for me to notice a difference because i am trying to see a difference. Feeling the difference in how i walk and how i feel is the real reward.
    I was so concentrated on the numbers i was not noticing my double chin started to go away, along with those ever lovely back rolls, and yes i will say it "side boobs". lol. we all have them i will just admit to it.
    Don't stress the numbers so much, go by how you feel throughout the day when you are up and moving. And be happy you are getting healthy. sometimes it just takes a while for us to see what is happening without a scale!!

    Good luck, and you are doing great!!
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