not ever feeling full

I started eating my recommended calories on Saturday, March 5. Before I started this, I ate HUGE portions.. like way more than I should have. Ever since I started this diet thing, I've been eating just under my calorie goal, and I haven't been feeling full at all. I was wondering if it's just because my stomach is so used to big portions and if it will go away with time due to my stomach not receiving such large portions?


  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    It does improve over time, and drinking water can help a bit (but not as much as some people say), but I'm pretty much always low-level hungry. It's worse at the beginning of any diet. Choosing the right foods will really help (wholegrains, leafy vegetables, things that are digested slowly).

    I sympathise though; it sucks! I'm having a low-calorie hot chocolate right now because I'm so hungry but I'm between meals.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    It could very well be that you are used to eating a lot more. It gets better over time. You could always try to make your goal a bit less aggressive at first (like switch from 2 pounds a week to 1) until you get used to it. Are you sure you have your activity level right and your are logging exercise?
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I also ate large portions before I started losing the weight. It was hard to eat half the amount, but over time it will subside as long as you drink water and have snacks between meals. Make sure to get plenty of fiber because that will help fill the gap.
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Carbohydrates tend to make you feel hungry....fat and protein will make you feel add things like avacado, olive oil, nuts in small amts. and you will feel full. We need fat in our diet! Just healthy fat!
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    I have found that eating slower makes a huge difference, too. I think we've all gotten programmed after a while to eat quickly and the portions are out of control anymore. We eat so fast that our stomach doesn't have time to tell our brain to stop. Eating more protein helps...drinking a lot of fluids (not just water in my book)...and eating a lot of fiber and veggies makes a difference. "Bulk foods".
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started. The first week or so is very tough, but drink lots of water, eat lots of protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full, and most importantly, stay focused!! It will pass and soon enough much smaller portions will leave you feeling satisfied.
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    Eating fiber can help you feel full and for longer amounts of time
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I think there's a line between "full" and "adequately satisfied." I don't generally eat until I'm stuffed anymore. It does take time to get used to the feeling, but eating slower and increasing water intake does help over time. I agree that significantly reducing your calorie intake at first may leave you feeling less than satisfied. Slowly decrease your daily intake by 100 - 200 calories a day, and gradually cut it back by another 100 - 200/day every week; e.g. if you normally eat 1800/day, cut it back to 1600 - 1700/day for a week, then the next week cut it back to 1500 - 1600/day, and so on. Your stomach and body should ease into eating less.
  • mindy71183
    I try to eat at least every two to three hours. I'll have my breakfast around 7, then at 10, I have my first morning snack. Today it was a 90 calorie Chocolate Chunk Granola bar. I'll eat lunch around 12, then another snack between 2 and 3. This afternoon I will have a 90 calorie container of Rice Pudding. I try to eat dinner before six, but sometimes it doesn't happen. Before I go to bed I usually eat almonds or if I am craving something really sweet the Cheesecake Sensations from JELLO are AMAZING! I don't find myself hungry very often.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am exactly the same way and it sucks really bad. Water does not help me at all; it actually makes the hunger worse for me. I've been at this right at a month and have just decided that with this being a lifestyle change, this will be what my life is like; always feeling a little hungry. I know that when I do feel full it is because I have stuffed myself on veggies but that feeling does not last long. It has gotten better and I do not obsess over it as much but, it is what it is....

    I read s quote on someone's profile that I love

    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels

    so I am good with this!!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I used to eat huge portions too. I found that my "full-ometer" adjusted to the smaller portion sizes after awhile. Some tactics that might help are to eat higher fiber foods at first and more gradually reduce the portion size, or add an apple or a few carrot sticks or something about 20 minutes after your meal if you just can't stop the hungries. Try to wait at least 20 minutes though because a lot of times that hungry feeling will pass on its own in the meantime. Drinking water before and after the meal sometimes helps too, or have a cup of your favorite herbal tea. Or get some light exercise or some other distraction.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    This was my problem when I first started! It wasn't until I began on Diet Chef which is portion controlled that I realised just how much I was eating regarding portions - Eventually after about a week the hunger pangs began to slow down and now (week 18) I think I'm pretty much understanding portion control and feeling 100% better for it - I'm rarely hungry these days - with the odd exception of course! Yesterday was the first hungry day I'd had in ages - so good luck - it will get better!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    How much are you eating a day? I mean, are you aiming to lose 2 lbs a week or 1 lbs a week? The reason I ask is because aiming to lose 2 lbs a week might be a bit much right now, especially since you're not used to it. Or what 123456654321 said. :D

    If your calorie intake isn't too low, then it's just a matter of getting used to eating less. (HAHA, and I love what ejha77 said about water. It really doesn't fill you up that much. :) But it can help a little.)

    If I could rewind a few days, I would tell you to start off slowly. Instead of going from eating, say, 3000 calories a day to 1600, you're much better off slightly decreasing your calorie intake day by day. It makes it easier and puts less stress on the body.

    If I'm trying to cut my calorie intake, I'll usually cut off about 50 extra calories a day until I hit my goal. This helps my appetite adjust and keeps my body from freaking out. (I have a highly efficient, famine-phobic body that holds onto to EVERY pound of fat it can!)

    Good luck!
  • BrightSeeker
    I used to eat huge portions too. It takes time for your tummy to "shrink", and for your body to realize that your not "starving". That's what made me give up every time i tried to "diet" before.

    This time around i'm determined, and i refuse to call it a diet. I'm choosing to eat healthier and eat less. It was a tough couple of weeks trying to convince myself that i was ok, and it would pass. But I've made it through and I'm down 14lbs over the last 6 weeks. I am following MFP's guidelines, but with a few modifications.

    I still give in to my cravings, BEFORE they become overwhelming. And some days are just plain better than others. Eating one slice of cake durring a craving is better than devouring half the pan because you've denied yourself to the point of losing control.

    Eventually you'll learn how to controll your cravings, and they just kind of disapear. These days I'd much rather grab a Cameo apple then say a candy bar. I know the apple is just as sweet AND the upside is it makes me full.

    Everything will come with time. Just stick with it, be determined, and get excited! It's hard to quit something that your excited about! Good Luck Gurl!
  • MNCPRGuy
    MNCPRGuy Posts: 51 Member
    I am in the same boat as you, and started at the same time. I'm already starting to feel less hungry, though, so hang in there!

    I have had good luck with flavored sparkling water for curing hunger pangs almost instantly. Zero calories and it seems as though the carbonation helps me feel full long enough to get me past the urge to grab a handful of oreos!!!

    I have also had good results with a bowl of cereal. I like grapenuts, but I imagine any similar cereal that is high in fiber and fairly dense with fill you up and stick with you for several hours.