tips for a 9-5 office worker....



  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I have Leslie Sansone discs ...walking programs. She ranges from 15 min to 11 min miles or 4.5 - 5 mph at top speed. I adapt some of her moves and do them on breaks to incorporate some exercise in my work day. At home I do exercise bike (treadmill for you), and a mix of walking programs, Richard Simmons tapes, Biggest loser disc with cardio and specific area toning. I do these either before work or before bed depending on the day.
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    I work 9-5 but, with the commute and getting kids to/from school I am out of the house from 7-6.

    Sometimes I get up early to work out, but those days are few and far between. Mostly I workout at home at night, around 7 or 8. I run or walk on the treadmill, and do strength training every other day with free weights or (currently) a kettlebell. I also have a lot of DVDs that I will work into the rotation when I get bored with my routine.

    Most days I workout anywhere from 30-60 minutes. On the weekends sometimes more.