Observing The Season of Lent

So I've been doing my research on the season of Lent, which is the forty-day period of fasting before Easter. Lent is observed in commemoration of the 40-days that Jesus spent in the wilderness without food or drink. It begins tomorrow, March 9th and ends around Good Friday, April 22nd. From what I've gathered, it's a season of soul-searching, repentance, reflection and taking stock of our own lives. Although I've never observed this season, it seems appropriate for what I am trying to accomplish in my life. I'm trying to change ME! I'm trying to become a better person mentally, spiritually, and physically. I haven't decided upon the things that I want to give up during this period, but I'm sure that meat will be one. I intend on doing a lot of soul searching and really finding out or at least gainng a bit of insight as to what my purpose is in life.


  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I am Catholic and have always observed Lent usually by giving up pop, fast food or candy - all things I no longer consumer. I love your attitude and think it is awesome that you are embracing this!
  • RichB77
    RichB77 Posts: 88
    Your research is correct!
    It's not necessarily all about the giving up things either (as you've mentioned) but instead you could DO something extra in your life i/e volunteering, donation to a charity etc......
    Your intentions sound very honourable, good luck in your quest. I've been here since January, lost 25lbs and met some truly amazing and supportive people.
    Feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated.
    Take care

  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I have been thinking that same way. I usually don't observe Lent either but this year since I'm making so many healthy changes I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't decided yet what I'm giving up either.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    Good idea RichB77...Maybe I'll workout for 40 days solid :)
  • bbear
    bbear Posts: 96 Member
    As a Catholic I was taught to use these 40 days to take a real look into what is keeping you away from a connection with God. You are encouraged to try to give up these things such as lying, heavy drinking, or cursing. Often people add things to their lives for 40 days such as attending church, meditation, or volunteering. In modern days, and definately on this site, it seems people use Lent to give up junk food or lose weight but I just wanted to give you a heads up on what the Lenton season means to a lot of Catholics
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    i like your post....I am not sure i will give up anything since I have been giving up "unhealthly living" since the mid febuary and trying to take better care of myself since then as well....I do find my self in reflection around this time of year...I am grateful for all that god has giving me and lessons he has taught me...
    take care
  • candykoated
    candykoated Posts: 55 Member
    You guys are so awesome! I was worried that I would get a bit of backlash from people who regularly observe this time of year and would take offense because I'm not Catholic (I've had it done before, which is why I had shyed away from it in the past). I've just seen so many people over the years really take this time to better themselves and I thought what better way to better yourself than to emulate to some degree what Christ did? I just want to become a better person period. I want to be a better mother, a better friend, a better sibling, a better Christian, a better employee... etc. I pray that this period will give me some clarity and help me to see where I've been going wrong. Thank you all for your support... it means the world :wink:
  • dollbaby4
    dollbaby4 Posts: 16
    That's a good focus! As a child, I was taught to give something up. In the last 5-6 years, I've tried to do something that I don't normally do, like take food to the food pantry once a week or volunteer in some capacity. Best of luck to you!