Learning to navigate ;-p Hi

Hello all... I have had the app on my phone awhile I did not realize there was so much more to it!! I have been on a pretty intense diet 3 weeks now, low sugar, low carb, high protien... And working out everyday about 45 min, and yes I'm changing my routines, doing cardio and strength training. I lost 4 pounds my first 2 days however I don't want to be graphic so let's just say that was attributed to something else and that 4 pounds will come back and go away again on a pretty regular basis. Other than that nothing!!! I'm so frustrated I just don't see any results for as much as I've been killing myself :-(
I'm glad I was exploring a bit maybe someone else can make a suggestion or is going through the same thing?? I mean I am not expecting over night miracle results but going into week 4 I thought I'd see some changes??
Good luck to everyone :-)


  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    hi I totally get your frustration! It seems like I try and try and nothing!

    But, I've been reading that if you don't eat back the calories you've burned at those heavy workouts, you may be living on too little calories. So your metabolism slows?!?! I'm just trying to figure it out too....

    It might be worth experimenting with for a few days?

  • lav8trx
    lav8trx Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Julia! You are absolutly right I am having the hardest time getting my calorie count up and keeping everything else down :-( I was told I should shoot for 1200 calories but I can only manage about 750, plus when I add my exercise in sometimes it drops extreamly low... I have been looking for high calorie protien shakes but alot of them have high sugar or carb, and trying to keep the fat down too is difficult it seems like all the other numbers are right but the calories are low but if I bring the calories up it increases everything else :-(
    Thanks for listening to me vent and responding I appreciate it!!