and our winner is : the thick girl!

I was running my usual run today on the treadmill at my gym, and I had been running for about 20 minutes at 5.7 mph with a 6.0 incline, which is pretty normal for me (I've played soccer ever since I can remember, so I've run nearly my entire life). Anyways, I'm running along, minding my own business, when these two toothpicks walk in and just glare at me. But, I kept to myself and just ran. They each get on both sides of me and start to slowly walk. The girl on my left (the skinniest one) cranks her speed up to 7.7 mph, so I was thinking, "Dang! Starting out a little fast, aren't we?" After seeing this I notice that she keeps glancing over at me and looking at my screen to make sure she's going fast than me. She was smiling and laughing with her friend. Well, after about 2 minutes, she stopped and turned the treadmill off and was panting like hell. I just kept on about my run and smiled to myself thinking, "This is exactly like weight loss, you can't expect to race through it and win; those who persevere always take the gold medal."

Just a reminder to all of you out there who are tired of only seeing one and two pounds go at a time, remember, if you persevere you'll get there quicker than you think, and you'll be so proud of yourself for not giving up!


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks for the's a gradual process you take day by day.....Tortoise and the Hare thing....slow and steady....wins....
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    good for you!
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Awesome story - and good for you not letting people like that get to you.

    And more importantly - running at a 6.0 incline?! Wow, that's great.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Well, after about 2 minutes, she stopped and turned the treadmill off and was panting like hell. I just kept on about my run and smiled to myself thinking, "This is exactly like weight loss, you can't expect to race through it and win; those who persevere always take the gold medal."

    :laugh: That said it ALL!! Good for you. Keep on keeping on!
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    seriously 6.0 incline!!!??? you rule!!! way to go!
  • irongate
    irongate Posts: 13
    That is awesome!
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    That's a brilliant story, I had a similar experience while swimming recently. I try and swim a couple of kms a couple of times a week and constantly have people (mostly guys) come in my lane and swim flat out for 2 lengths and then stand at the side of the pool panting for a few minutes and then swim another 2 lengths and do the same. After around 8 lengths they normally get out and go and sit in the whirl pool. No warming up or cooling down, seems pretty pointless to me and just an injury waiting to happen!
  • CoastieGMWife
    What a great post. Thanks for making me smile and reminding us all that slow and steady really will win this race!
  • clevethin
    clevethin Posts: 26
    she should have ended with a bow to you.

    You rock!

    Thank you for the well needed message (for me!)
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    that's freakin' it :bigsmile:
  • rockabyesarojane
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    Way to show 'em! Thanks for the reminder too! We all need that sometimes! :)
  • LaurenRoseMD
    Way to go! You showed them! LMAO She only made it 2 minutes and almost died. You had already been going for more than 20 minutes and probably couldn't have felt more alive when you saw her drop off. It's probably good that you didn't say anything to her, but if I were in the same position I would have looked at her and said something like, "you know, you should start slower and work up to this speed as you begin to actually get in shape." But, that's just me. Good on you for you keeping quiet. That was the most civil response. lol
    Great moral to this story girl. Thanks for sharing it.
  • NeenaMD
    NeenaMD Posts: 23
    How inspiring! Good for you and yes, one pound here and there do add up to our ultimate goal!! Thanks for sharing your story!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    This is awesome I love it thank you so much!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    yeah, running at that speed and incline, I can only wish to get there someday!! That is amazing. Great story. People can be so ignorant. I bet she felt like an idiot after that!!
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    Haha! The competitor in me is having an evil little laugh at the expense of those girls! You go girl!
  • savimal
    savimal Posts: 37
    Very inspiring! You go Girl!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Good for you! You show those mean girls who's awesome! :)
  • bdeliab
    bdeliab Posts: 25
    Great motivation. Thanks