Did you get pregnant along your journey?

I'm looking for some stories of pregnancy during a weight loss journey. My husband really wants to start trying for another baby, and so do I, but I keep saying I just need to lose some more weight first. We think we'll start trying this fall, I imagine I will be about 1/2-3/4 of the way to my goal by then.

So, if you got preggers along the way, did you continue your workouts throughout your pregnancy, after you had your bundle of joy was it hard to get back to serious workouts? Did it really hinder your weightloss efforts? Aside from growing a little one, where you'll obviously gain. hehe I can't decide if I should wait until my goal to start trying, or start sooner or what. I just wanna hear your story. :)


  • Katcatters
    Katcatters Posts: 90 Member
    Last time I did this (not MFP) but lost 4 stone, I got pregnant - I had another 2 stone to go, but we thought we would try along the way (due to my age). We were delighted that I got pregnant and went on to have a healthy baby girl, who is now 2.
    I did get gestational diabetes, but was able to control that with diet alone. I think, If I was your age, I would have waited until I had lost the further weight, so as I could have had a less worrying pregnancy, but I just didnt have time on my side.

    I kept the weight off for about 8 months after I had my baby, but it crept back on. Ive lost nearly 4 stone again, and have another 2 to go, and when I have lost that final 2, Im going to maintain for a while then try again for another baby (last chance!)

    Good luck with the weight loss, and good luck with the baby making!
  • cehrenhaus
    I kept working out until week 6-7 when I started to throw up so much that I had not energy in me because the food was not being processed for my body. The upside (if you want to call it that) is that I actually did loose a lot of weight because I was throwing up every day, twice a day, sometimes thrice. Then I started to put weight on, but not much. I have increased about 14 pounds since I got pregnant and I am on month 7.
    I would say go for it. Do not delay it just for loosing weight, except if there is a health issue.

    Edit: I forgot to say that I have been unable to work out since I was diagnosed with placenta previa, but if you can continue to work out through your pregnancy it might be really good!
    Rebecca Fyfe lost weight during her pregnancy because she was at risk of basically dying and she did great. She looks awesome http://www.skinnyscoopers.com/index.php/scooper-stars/334-rebecca-fyfe
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Here's my story: I have 3 kids and the first one was a surprise. I was trying for the second one and had a hard time getting pregnant so I stopped trying lost a little weight and I got pregnant. After I had him I tried even harder to lose weight and did a great job and lost about 30 pounds or so and surprise, surprise, I got pregnant with my daughter. After I had her I tried unsuccessfully to lose the weight. I found MFP and I haven't stopped losing weight and have not gotten pregnant yet. AI feel that if something shall happen and I were to get pregnant again I have the tools at my finger tips to lose the weight successfully. I think getting some sort of exercise during pregnancy will not hurt anything as long as your pregnancy isn't a high risk one. Good luck with your journey and someday having a baby :flowerforyou:
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I kept working out until week 6-7 when I started to throw up so much that I had not energy in me because the food was not being processed for my body. The upside (if you want to call it that) is that I actually did loose a lot of weight because I was throwing up every day, twice a day, sometimes thrice. Then I started to put weight on, but not much. I have increased about 14 pounds since I got pregnant and I am on month 7.
    I would say go for it. Do not delay it just for loosing weight, except if there is a health issue.

    This is kind of what I'm thinking. He wants to start trying so bad, and I feel awful saying we have to wait (I really just typed weight-lol.) There is no health issue that I know of. I had one healthy pregnancy, no GD or any other problems, and after that I had one miscarriage, it was a molar pregnancy, nothing to do with my weight. Maybe I should just go for it. :) I'd really love another little one.!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I was trying to lose the weight I'd gained from those happy, early marriage pounds that I gained!! You know the ones where you settle into domestic bliss and eat yourself up the scale! *ugh* As I was progressing along (on WW at that time), we decided to try and make a beautiful baby! After I dropped 20 lbs, was looking to drop 15 more, I found out I was pregnant. I fully admit to halting all efforts to even maintain my weight or eat healthy! I made healthy 'baby making' choices *lol* but definitely didn't worry too much about that number on the scale. Well, I gained about 25lbs with my 1st, and only lost about 15 before getting pregnant again. I think had I been more knowledge about how difficult the struggle was, I still would have 'ate for two' *wink* but done some type of exercise. In hindsight, I probably wouldn't have waited until my youngest was almost 2 before getting back into a routine with the gym. It was just so hard to find motivation after having not done any real type of working out or even 'taking me time' to get to the gym. Hindsights always 20/20!!

    I'd say though...there's no time like the present for bringing a new bundle of joy. I'd stick with what you are doing while you are trying to conceive and, once pregnant, on the days you feel good- try to get some type of exercise in- even if it's just a walk. There's a lot of great pregnancy forums and websites that will give you great advice on safe exercise that can help keep you motivated during your pregnancy.
  • geekface123
    Please keep working out and eating right. You really dont need the extra 300 cals til the last trimester. Eat well not to lose weight but just enough to satisfy hunger when hungry. Keep taking your prenatals and walk. My doctor loves the fact that I keep walking. I"m 30 weeks and I still walk everyday and if I dont feel up to it I do a prenatal yoga dvd on netflix. I lost 10lbs only from cutting back on sugar. I still eat a lot but its all healthy and drink lots of water. If you work on not gaining too much you will be able to lose the rest of your weight once the baby is born.