Havent Lost Any Weight

So I started a diet and exercise routine exactly 3 weeks ago.... I do cardio at least 5 times a week for an hour (the machine says I burn 450-550 calories), a little yoga , I eat a VERY healthy diet (1200-1500 cal daily), drink a ton of water. And in the first week lost about 4 lbs and by the end of the second lost another 5..... Now here we are a little over a week later and I havent lost a single pound.... Dont get me wrong, my goal was to lose weight at a steady rate of 1.5 pounds a week and was surprised at the initial loss, but now I am concerned.... Any ideas on whats goin on??? Also I feel GREAT.... I love eating healthy and working out.


  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Were you very active before? Could you be gaining some muscle from whatever cardio work (running, biking) you're doing?
  • KatMM25
    KatMM25 Posts: 5
    Don't worry about that. The first 3 months are the hardest. I like to call them the 'working months'. It's getting your body ready for a change and the change in itself. Your body will need to get use to doing all the things you havent done before. Its like buying a new pair of shoes, before you feel comfortable in them, you need to break them in. This is exactly what your body is doing. You are breaking it in for a lifestyle change to better fit your needs. Dont give up, keep up the good work :D
  • CayceLynn77
    I would say not really but I do have 2 small children I run after.... I was very very out of shape 5'4 165.... I would get winded sometimes having to run to the phone. :embarassed:
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I would say not really but I do have 2 small children I run after.... I was very very out of shape 5'4 165.... I would get winded sometimes having to run to the phone. :embarassed:

    I honestly wouldn't worry about it. As long as you keep doing what you're doing it'll continue to come off. It has to, right? I started @ 5' 3 233lbs, and lost consistantly for the first 4 weeks, then week 5-7 I kind of stalled. Hovered between the same 5lbs. Then I started losing again. My trainer told me that bodies tend to go into a "relapse" of sorts when you're changing things up. Not to mention the muscle you're gaining. If you're seriously running now, consistantly on a treadmill or whatnot, you have to be building up some muscles. I'd chalk it up to that and continue to move forward. :)
  • LindaReInDE
    LindaReInDE Posts: 13 Member
    I can only say what works for me... When I wake, cardio first thing, 30 mins. (I have a treadmill, so I usually use that, but I try to change it up too w/walking & running a few mins. here and there); my daughter, a personal trainer, has taught me to eat 6 healthy meals a day, watching portion control, heavier carbs and fruits earlier in the day (i.e., I might have whole grain brown rice OR a small piece of sweet potato and a piece of fish for lunch, rather than dinner); then I eat a salad with a lighter carb for dinner... maybe with tuna or salmon on it, grilled shrimp...and try to eat some healthy snacks or small meals in-between. You're welcome to friend me and check our my myfitnesspal.com (I keep it open to my friends)... but I warn you...today wasn't a good eating day... (not every day is!) I have lost 20 lbs. in the 1st two mos., and my weight loss has slowed down, but I can tell I'm slimming out a lot... I am getting into clothing I haven't worn in a long time! Muscle is more dense than fat, and you need muscle to help you loose weight, so don't go by numbers on a scale so much, especially if you're working out. Just eat healthy and exercise. It needs to be a lifestyle; otherwise, you'll just gain it all back anyway. Hope this helps!!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Were you very active before? Could you be gaining some muscle from whatever cardio work (running, biking) you're doing?

    It is very hard to gain muscle with reduced calorie. Even with strength traning, it helps you to keep some of the muscle you have, but hard to make any gains. Cardio is not for muscle building. Too much cardio leads to muscle loss
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Your body is just getting used to the new routine. Congrats on the loss! Check your activity level (the one you started on MFP with). Are you eating enough? Don't worry. I have had a week, and I think it was the third (!) where I didn't lose anything too. Just keep drinking lots of water, reduce your calories and exercise more. It really works!