My Confession

My confession: I really need to do something to change my life. I am a stay at home mom & wife. I started my weight loss journey about a yr ago. I got a personal trainer worked out 5 days a week & lost 15 to 20 lbs. Well I no longer have a personal trainer or a workout partner so the past few months I have been gaining weight. Sad to say but I am almost back where I was. This is by no means a pity party, this is my promise that I need to step up my workout & change my life. If I post this so everyone can see it then maybe I will do it! Over the past couple months I have still somewhat kept up with counting my calories but it wasnt all healthy foods & my excerise is non existant compared to where I was. Its hard to keep myself motivated which is why I joined this site, so please continue with the great support and I will start my journey fresh & willing to make a change. Thanks! And anyone plz feel free to add me


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    You can do it! I've lost and regained 50 pounds several times, so I've decided "if I did it before, I can do it again, and THIS time, keep the weight off!" Have a wonderful day!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I have found it beneficial to be with a group on here that does the same types of workouts as I do. We check in daily/weekly. It helps me to have others to help me accountable.
  • flutterqueen04
    I am a stay at home too. I quit my job last May and actually gained weight before I decided to finally get serious about losing back in January. I think its funny because many people just expect you to be fit and thin as a stay at home because "what do you do all day?!" and it drove me crazy!! Its not that easy. You are at the mercy of little tikes who's mood swings are way more drastic than my ex boss on pms!! haha. I will be glad to support you :) Add me if you want :)
  • BughaBear
    BughaBear Posts: 201
    Ur not alone Im a stay at home mom and wife and I have been tryin since Nov I have lost 14lbs but lately have been slackin but as of today I decided to get back on my grind really worked out today in a long time and Im ready to do this I dont have anyone to do it with but hubby will be home soon from deployment and we will work out together
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    My advice is don't go too psycho, do things you can maintain forever, don't majorly overhaul your life with unsustainable changes.

    Start at half to one pound a week, do exercise you can fit in with your life, when you can - even 1-2 times a week - one walk, one resistance exercise DVD.

    Hopefully you'll find you can find it in you to eat 100 calories less one day here or there, fit in an extra work out here or there, so lose a little bit faster but not totally restrict yourself too much in the process.

    I figure it's better to lose it over 6-12 months and keep it off for years this time.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    You can make gradual changes and attain your goal. Definitely don't get stressed out about it. I've found that moderate exercise that I enjoy has worked the best, and I do sometimes really workout fast and furious, but as I look back, my changes just became a part of me. What you eat is important, but don't try to do it all at once. Start with simple changes where you substitute a healthier lower calorie ingredient in some of your recipes, and pay attention to fiber and portion size.

    I don't know if you have taken the time to go under the Community tab to General Diet and Weight Loss Help, and clicked on the pin-up: Links in MFP that you will Want to Read Again and Again, but there is a lot of good information there, that I'm sure you will enjoy and benefit from. Just thought I'd make reference to it if you have not found it yet.....Definitely worth your while!

  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    You can do it!!!