
motrent Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I love fruits and veggies, but with only 24 grams of sugar allowed per day can't seem to fit them in. Even just having milk in my cereal and what little amounts are in my lunch and dinner seem to put me right at 24 grams. Any suggestions?


  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    I think maybe the 24 grams of sugar you are allowed may be simple sugars. Fruits and vegis have complex sugars which enter your blood stream much more slowly and therefore do not spike glucose/insulin levels. Unfortunately, MFP doesn't take that into account. My thinking and that of other web sites I have researched seem to think that the total of carbs (which also includes those sugars) is a better indicator of what is allowable. As long as you limit things sweetened with sugar as much as possible as well as rice and potatoes, and do not go over your carb allowance, you should be ok.
  • yumcheese
    yumcheese Posts: 30 Member
    I looked this up once too, and remember reading (on the Food Pyramid website, I think) that the 24 grams of sugar is added sugar only, not fruits and veggies. So that's what I go by.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    There have been lots of posts on this. I bet you could probably search for sugar and read through a lot of advice. Don't worry about sugar from your milk, fruits and veggies. That's all natural, healthy sugar. Try to keep your refined/processed sugar intake under your daily limit.
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