30k race plan

FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
I have my 30k race in 2 weeks and I have all my plans laid out. My goal is 2h 45m which is a 5:30 min/k (8:51 min/mile) average pace, but I've broken it down in sections based on terrain. The last 10k is kind of rolling with one big hill around the 25k mark, but the first 20k is flat. Here's the planned breakdown:

Start to 4k @ 5:45 (9:15 m/m) - Warmup...chance to spread out (7000 registered runners :happy: )
4k to 19k @ 5:25 (8:43 m/m) - Nice flat course
19k to 27k @ 5:35 (8:59 m/m) - Rolling hills with steep hill @ 25k
27k to 30k @ 5:20 (8:35 m/m) - Flat last 3k, finishing with a kick, if anything is left in the tank. :smile:

And as far as nutrition(I have a custom formula from Infinit Nutrition), here's the plan:

7 AM - All Bran cereal/protein breakfast, banana, 20oz water
8:45 AM to 9:15 AM - 150 cal drink mixed in 10 oz
9:30 AM - Race starts
10 AM @ 5k station - 75 cal drink & 3 waters (21 oz)
10:35 AM @ 11k station - 75 cal drink & 3 waters (21 oz)
11 AM @ 15k station - 150 cal drink & 2 waters (18 oz)
11:35 AM @ 21k station - 150 cal drink & 3 waters (21 oz)
12:05 PM @ 27k station - 150 cal drink & 2 waters (21 oz)
12:15 PM - Race end (@ goal pace)

Total cals: 600 cals in 2.25 hrs (267 cals/hr.)
Total water(oz): 102 oz in 2.25 hrs (45 oz/hr)

Although my training hasn't been as good as I wanted to be, I know I'll finish but not sure about the goal time...that's a very aggressive goal time.


  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Sounds like a good plan.....I would never be able to get down that much water during a race! Good Luck :smile:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Sounds like a good plan.....I would never be able to get down that much water during a race! Good Luck :smile:

    It seems like alot but I've done a few sweat rate tests and my average is around 58 oz/hr so even at the proposed 45 oz/hr in my plan, I'm not even meeting demand. I"ll see how it goes...if I start getting "swish stomach" I'll simply cut back a little.
  • trukkerdaddie
    trukkerdaddie Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck man, I'm running a 30k race in Hamilton, Ontario on the 27th. I've run a couple full-marathons, some half-marathons and the thing I've learned most is just to have fun with it. The race is the 'big' reward from all the training. And after the race, pig out on anything, you earned it, lol.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You must both be doing the Around the Bay! I'm a native Hamiltonian and it's definite on my list of "goal races" in the future... Just doing my first 1/2 this year and aiming to complete the ATB next spring! Good luck to you both :drinker:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Good luck man, I'm running a 30k race in Hamilton, Ontario on the 27th. I've run a couple full-marathons, some half-marathons and the thing I've learned most is just to have fun with it. The race is the 'big' reward from all the training. And after the race, pig out on anything, you earned it, lol.

    That's the race I'm doing is the ATB in Hamilton. :bigsmile: