
I am new to MFP

i have been posting food jourmals for a couple days now. and I think it is really helping me think about what i am eating.

I am 24 year old 155 lbs 5'4''.
I did a boot camp for 2 months twice a week working out circuit training. as well as treadmill and sometimes a work out DVD.

I have not lost a Single pound and i am so frustrated. i know nutrition is super important and is probably my biggest down fall.
I did however loose 2 inchs in my hips. i know lbs arent everything. but the scale has not budged.

Any suggestions to get things moving would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks :)


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I would love to be 155 pounds. :happy:

    If you are losing inches, you are doing things right. You may not see a big change on the scale based on your current stats but keep measuring yourself as that is a good way to judge your progress. Also, take note of how your clothes are fitting differently.

    Good luck!
  • fitwiffy13
    fitwiffy13 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm the same way! I don't mind exercising, it's the nutrition part that gets to me! Lol
    I have such a sweet tooth and I love carbs. But losing 2 inches on your hips is still a great accomplishment. Just keep up the good work and maybe try using lean cuisines or similarly packaged meals so you know how many calories you're getting. I know when I cook at home, I tend to under-shoot my calorie intake. :)
    Best of luck!