Looking for somebody with "my kind" of demon!



  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Ive actually been told to STOP before. dr will keep me out of work a few days for me to stop and i do veg on the couch. hubby knows to leave me be and other than taking calls from him checking on me i just sit there and crochet usually. now im not going to lie and say i don't sneak in a bit of cleaning here and there or i don't check work email...cause i do sometimes. but then other times i just keep it in my head that i have to do something to make ME feel better cause im the only one that can do it. I hope this helps!! (HUGS))
    Hey guys,

    I know this is a weird one and completely understand how many of you can relate to exercise being a stress reliever. I too use exercise as a stress reliever and advise others to do the same.

    My problem is that I do too much. I work full time and with the additional tasks, jobs and volunteer work I do I end up having about half a day in total to myself, which is normally doing housework. It's going to be a difficult one to relate to, but the problem is that I dont know how to stop.

    I cant stand sitting mindlessly in front of the TV, I cant watch movies, it just frustrates me that I am wasting time sitting doing nothing when there is washing to be done, or another project I have committed to do be doing.

    My PT is right. He knows me very well and has been waiting for this to happen. His concern is that they will be burying me due to heart attack from stress, not from other physical issues like obesity.

    I guess Im hoping to find somebody here who appreciates that me being "forced" to do nothing for a few days will actually help my health, it isnt going to take much for me to get back on the horse and start overdoing it again physically and mentally again.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I struggle with depression and Anxiety. Diagnosed with Bipolar to be exact, but never see mania except when I was on antidepressants. I stopped taking meds, and so I have to really focus on what I eat and do to help keep me "sane". I spent years doing for everyone else but me. My children, my husbands ex wife and her children, my sister and her children, helping at church, My own Daycare, etc... I had to come to a realization that doing so much wasn't healthy for me or my state of mind. I realized that sometimes I just have to take a day or two and do nothing. Sorta like rebooting I guess. (Course there had been times when it was a week or even longer that I needed) These days I'm subbing for the schools but don't get many calls, and it drives me nuts just being here and not doing much of anything, I hadn't been very active due mostly to physical health stuff going on, and it had a huge impact on my mental state, so I have gotten back at it again since being here. I find sometimes it's hard to connect with people, because it's really hard to find someone exactly in the same boat. We can relate, and have some understanding but really to get the whole picture often just doesn't happen.
  • monkeyboy881
    bunnysone you rock girl
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I am a PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant) and I know for a fact that all things good and bad for you can be over done. Short breaks from over doing it can actually heal your body. Listen to your body. Every time I over do it, it takes me 3 to 5 days to recover. The older I get the easier it is for me to over do it. You are so right. If your PT is worried about you having a heart attack then you should listen up. This time of healing and rest will not be forever. You can do it. I struggle with over achieving and unrealistic expectations as well. I am sorry for your struggles. One day at a time right?
    :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    yes, the source of stress is my job. i do all the other things either as volunteering, giving to others, or just as projects that keep me busy.

    Lack of support over a number of years, unrealistic expectations just to start.

    I set the bar VERY high myself, so when people see me acheiving that they just set the bar a bit higher for me, so of course I expect more than that. Over 13 years this has just come to crunch time.

    I will have a new job to go to in the next 6 months or so. Problem is that a) its not there yet b) my curent job is HARDER becase their is light at the end of the tunnel and the waiting game is killing me and c) my husbnd doesnt agree that I should move to the new job that I want, even though he vehemently agrees I need to get otu of the one Im in, so I don't feel 100% supported by him.
    Honey, that's a tough spot to be in, I'm sorry you're not feeling supported at home.:frown:

    I wonder if something like Yoga, just simple Yoga in the morning like Sun Salutation and a bit of Meditation might help release some of the stress and anxiety from your body and mind. It's something completely for you that you can find a spot of time in the day when you're by yourself and clear your thoughts and simply be. Is that something you think might work? Not sure if you've tried either of those before but wanted to suggest them as it's helped me tremendously when I was on overload and couldn't slow down my pace.

    I too don't seem to have a medium speed, I have a high speed and I so understand when you shared that when you do a certain level at work more is put upon you and the cycle continues. Wow, it brings back memories and it wasn't pretty as I had gotten myself to the point where I finally broke down due to the stress and pressure.

    It does sound like your PT knows what you need at the moment, to be calm and not to be caught up in the stress of work etc. It's going to be hard to slow your mind and body down when you're used to going 1000% miles an hour but it can be done. TV might not be my first suggestion as that breeds boredom. Perhaps journaling, and as shared above, Yoga, relaxing time Meditating, card games where you use your mind like Solitaire where it's not super fast paced. Just tossing out some ideas...

    WOW, wish I had thought of those ideas when I had my rough spell some years back but keeping a perspective ourself when we're in it isn't easy is it? :noway: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Big Hugs!:heart:
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    Hey guys,

    I know this is a weird one and completely understand how many of you can relate to exercise being a stress reliever. I too use exercise as a stress reliever and advise others to do the same.

    My problem is that I do too much. I work full time and with the additional tasks, jobs and volunteer work I do I end up having about half a day in total to myself, which is normally doing housework. It's going to be a difficult one to relate to, but the problem is that I dont know how to stop.

    I cant stand sitting mindlessly in front of the TV, I cant watch movies, it just frustrates me that I am wasting time sitting doing nothing when there is washing to be done, or another project I have committed to do be doing.

    My PT is right. He knows me very well and has been waiting for this to happen. His concern is that they will be burying me due to heart attack from stress, not from other physical issues like obesity.

    I guess Im hoping to find somebody here who appreciates that me being "forced" to do nothing for a few days will actually help my health, it isnt going to take much for me to get back on the horse and start overdoing it again physically and mentally again.

    Are you seeing a therapist? You obviously have some deeply rooted issues that need to be worked out in therapy. If you're seeing one, that's great. EVERYone needs down time. Always. EVERYone. No exceptions. If you can't allow yourself to have any, you definitely need to change that, and therapy should help.

    I get the impression that a therapist is "forcing" you to integrate downtime into your life, and if that's the case, it sounds like he's doing the right thing. You need to learn to let yourself relax, or your mental and emotional health will probably continue to suffer.

    Good luck.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I totally get you. I am supposed to 'take it easy'. I have various problems, anxiety and depression, that I take tablets (That make you gain weight :( for). I have something undiagnosed wrong with my heart and some kind of fatigue syndrome, I am waiting for specialists on alll fronts. I am supposed to sit and relax apparently. I don't, EXERCISE, its the way forward, makes everything seem better, helps with stress, makes you thin and nothing cheers me up like a few scale or non scale victories :D

    Its not often I say ignore the doctors, but you know whats best for you, not them, in situations like that anyway.