Recomandations for a recumbent bike?

Looking for a recumbent bike(digital display and monitor) and looking for advice. Who has what and what do you like/dislike about your brand?


  • ethel64
    ethel64 Posts: 91
    just bought a bodybreak recumbant bike and i really like it, has the digital display for heartrate, calories burned,speed, time and resistance levels, i have very bad knees and i find this works great i dont strain them anymore so i can stick with it longer i also dont get "bike butt" LOL that was always the second problem with me if my butt wasnt comfy then i wasnt going as long as i could..ive also heard its easier on the back, although i cant comment on this as i dont have back issues..
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    just bought a bodybreak recumbant bike and i really like it, has the digital display for heartrate, calories burned,speed, time and resistance levels, i have very bad knees and i find this works great i dont strain them anymore so i can stick with it longer i also dont get "bike butt" LOL that was always the second problem with me if my butt wasnt comfy then i wasnt going as long as i could..ive also heard its easier on the back, although i cant comment on this as i dont have back issues..

    Sounds like something I am looking for. A low resistance workout is what I am after. My elliptical has gotten a little tough to use on a daily basis now a days. Do you mind if I ask how much you paid for it and where you got the bike from? I will google a bit on that one tonight. thanks for the info ethel64
  • ethel64
    ethel64 Posts: 91
    no prob at all :)

    it was bought at sears london ont ... it was $400 new...
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Thx, that's right around my price range :)