I need help when willpower fails..

Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I am not sure why I keep doing this to myself. Maybe its because I use food as a substitute for boredom, being lonely, to aid stress.. or just because I love the taste of sweets in my mouth. But I seem to have no wil power! I told my husband not to bring crap into the house.. but he does.. and I cant help but to eat. Today I had two cookies.. ughh. I wold like to say "ok wed will be better" but then again I will be tempted and who knows if I will give in again! How to get out of this cycle??


  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I have the same problem but when I try to take it all away, that's when I want it more. So I let myself have something everyday, but I budget it into my calories and I exercise. I never take out a box of cookies, I only give myself one or two and then drink lots of water. Sometimes chewing gum helps me too when I really want something sweet.
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    I used to have no will power when it came to sweets and junk food. Don't deprive yourself of these foods just eat them in moderation and only have a serving. You'll get used to it.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    other than tossing out the food he brings in could you put your snacks in a separate cupboard than his so that you only see your snacks. you know the old addage out of sight out of mind. that's what i do sorta. my boyfriend puts his snacks on a high shelf and i get the lower shelf in our snack cabinet. i banned regular soda from being brought in. when he was gone during the week i would pour it down the drain so that when he came to walk with me after work there would only be diet rite, bottled water , diet ginger ale or fruit juice.
    he got tierd of it and now doesn't bring it here anymore.
    if your hubby can't take the hint you can accidentally drop them on the floor and crush them. it makes it hard to eat then. i know it's a waste of money but what's more important the money or your health?
    if i do break down and have something sweet. i go brush my teeth right after so the taste doesn't linger there making me crave more.
  • We are visual people so here is my suggestion, place the cookies in the cupboard, post on the same cupboard a picture of how you want to look, either an old one or even someone who has the realistic figure you would like to be. Everytime your tempted to eat that extra cookie the picture will help you stay on track.
    Good luck I live with the proverbial non stop snacking machine who eats constantly from dinner until bed! it is really hard.
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