I would love to find another person doing the Insanity progr

Well I have started the Insanity program a few times but its like as soon as I get that day off I don’t go back to doing it……Sad I Know! But I just get sucked into the comfort zone and the chocolate cake gets me all the time! I’m New to this sit and so far I’m lovin it but would really like to communicate with someone that can understand what in going through with the workout program I’m doing, and maybe share some Ideas on how to stay motivated and a good meal plan…..I know I know I’m asking a lot but I will be your workout support and friend as well! Hope there is someone out there and hope everyone get to where they want to be on this web sit. I wish you all the best!


  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I got 15 days into Insanity last month and then had to stop because of a shoulder injury (not Insanity related). I am anxious to start again but having trouble finding the motivation, now that I know how hard it will be. Add me and we will keep each other motivated!