The shakeweight....

Ok so besides the ridiculous motions of the actually exercise, and ignoring the corny smiles of the women in the infomercial I have somehow mananged to aquire the Shakeweight. I have very fairly arms from working with horses everyday so I really didn't think I would even feel anything from using the shakeewight, I was wrong. You can definitely "feel the burn" after only a few seconds. The only problem is the shaking motion is sooo boring. Even rswitiching the positions of the exercises and doing the shakeweight DVD just bore the heck out of me.

So does anyone have any suggestions to help me stick with it it make it more fun?


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I have been debating getting one. I'm glad to hear u can actually feel a work out. I wonder if maybe once you learn the different exercises you can stop using the DVD and just do it while watching TV or walking? I would think the DVD would be more boring than the actual work out. Or put on your favorite cd. Good Luck!
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    Maybe watch a TV show while doing it?