Morning Workouts for NON Morning People

Any tips for getting up early to workout (I am NOT a morning person AT ALL)? :yawn:
Or workout recommendations that would be good to try?
I'm sure sleep walking isn't a good plan. :laugh:


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I set my stuff out for the next day at night so that in the morning I don't have to think about anything. I also put my cell phone (alarm) in the bathroom so I physically have to get UP to turn it off. I also alternate my work outs (p90x, running, spinning, yoga) so that I don't get bored. Lastly, I plan out my week so I know ahead of time what day is "rest day" so that I dont use that as an excuse to sleep in on any given day. My blog has my schedule if you want an example :-)

    Good luck.

    You'll be surprised how much more productive you are after you get up early to exercise. it does get easier after about 2 weeks :-)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Thanks for posting this...I know that banging out AM workouts would keep me from skipping them later in the day when I have gotten to busy, but it is so hard to get started!
  • Sethro1
    Sethro1 Posts: 4
    I despise mornings... and I just went from being "work at home employed" to "work at office" employed... which makes my days even harder to start. I usually work out after work or in the evenings, but lately I've started a light morning rutine.

    So far, the only thing that's worked for me is slow and simple aerobics. I put on the news and while Mr. Coffee is doing his thing I start with slow arm circles, then turn it in to cross toe touches and amp it up with simple side stepping until the the pace picks up nicely. It's only a 10-15 minute light cardio workout, but it actually wakes me up and I can feel the results hours later while sitting in a cubicle.

    Lately, I've added a little plyometrics... every time the news anchor flubs his story... I jump. :-)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    starting IS the hardest part...I just focused on getting up 3x a week at first and gradually built up to 5 mornings
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I am NOT a morning I work out at night! works for me (and my hubby)
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    if you're not a morning person, why do you feel like you should work out in the morning? :) i have heard the theory that it's better to work out in the morning right after you wake up, because then you'll be burning fat most efficiently. but i think it's best to exercise at a time that you can consistently do it at, whether during the morning, lunch hour, or evening.

    i can relate because i am not a morning person either! but for some odd reason, last week i decided to try out this 5:30 am spinning class (out of all the classes offered that day, spinning was the most appealing), and afterwards i thought "what was i thinking??" i ended up feeling exhausted my whole day at work. trust how your body feels after a morning workout, and trust your instincts. exercise during a time that makes your body feel good.

    however, if you really want to try a morning workout and your gym doesn't offer classes, i recommend interval training on the treadmill, bike, etc. you can get a very efficient workout in 30 minutes (which gives you a tad more time to sleep! :) ). or do a combo of strength training (with heavy weights, 2-3 sets, 8-10 reps each) and cardio.
  • mmanderr18
    mmanderr18 Posts: 80 Member
    I set my stuff out for the next day at night so that in the morning I don't have to think about anything. I also put my cell phone (alarm) in the bathroom so I physically have to get UP to turn it off. I also alternate my work outs (p90x, running, spinning, yoga) so that I don't get bored. Lastly, I plan out my week so I know ahead of time what day is "rest day" so that I dont use that as an excuse to sleep in on any given day. My blog has my schedule if you want an example :-)

    Good luck.

    You'll be surprised how much more productive you are after you get up early to exercise. it does get easier after about 2 weeks :-)

    Just Curious-- What time do you go to bed at night?
  • revdris
    revdris Posts: 11
    Thanks for all of the comments. I sleep better after I workout at night, but I've heard that the best way to jump start my metabolism is by working out in the morning.

    I'm going to try some of these suggestions over the course of the next week.