need help

Cerridwen Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I was trying to figure out how I am going to make it through this program and I'm not sure I can. Do you guys go just by the calories, or the calories, carbs, fats, and proteins? I manage to do really well adding up the calories, can't figure out how to make the whole 1320 though, but I am having a hard time with the fats and protein. I don't have a whole lot to eat around here, and I can't afford to splurge on low cal or fat free foods, how do ya'll do it? I am only on day one and I am frustrated because most of the time I only eat about 830 calories, 99 carbs, 40 fats, and 30 proteins. I have bad eating habits, not because I over eat but I under eat, and it's very unhealthy. How it is that I keep gaining weight is beyond me, with such little nutrition you'd think I'd be a bean pole!!! I could also use some quick and easy recipes that the whole family might like, if you guys can get me some that would be great.


  • Cerridwen
    Cerridwen Posts: 4
    I was trying to figure out how I am going to make it through this program and I'm not sure I can. Do you guys go just by the calories, or the calories, carbs, fats, and proteins? I manage to do really well adding up the calories, can't figure out how to make the whole 1320 though, but I am having a hard time with the fats and protein. I don't have a whole lot to eat around here, and I can't afford to splurge on low cal or fat free foods, how do ya'll do it? I am only on day one and I am frustrated because most of the time I only eat about 830 calories, 99 carbs, 40 fats, and 30 proteins. I have bad eating habits, not because I over eat but I under eat, and it's very unhealthy. How it is that I keep gaining weight is beyond me, with such little nutrition you'd think I'd be a bean pole!!! I could also use some quick and easy recipes that the whole family might like, if you guys can get me some that would be great.
  • delpha2
    delpha2 Posts: 42
    Dear Cerridwen,

    First, I'd like to say that you don't need to spend money on low cal and fat free foods. They are often full of chemicals (preservatives, sugar substitutes, colors etc). Those companies make advertising that makes you feel or believe that you can't do this without their products. It's total BULLS***.
    Fresh fruits and vegetables are the only food you need...I know its hard, but you'll have to put more energy into preparing your own food and being conscious of what you put in it.
    Second, your metabolism has slowed down from eating too little...your body thinks its starving. I think that many health organisations do not recommend eating less than 1000 a day.

    You need to set aside some time to learn about your body and what it needs. Use the Tools on the website to figure out what your BMI and BMR is, and this will help you to set realistic calorie intake guidelines that you can then begin to base the rest of your diet off of. Do some research to make sure that you understand what BMI and BMR don't need to be a scientist, but your decisions will be more logical and realistic if you are armed with the tools you need. You need to set realistic goals that you can achieve by making small changes (not big radical and unsustainable changes!) This is going to involve giving yourself the time to reflect about your life. This whole process is a personal one, and everyone is different.

    The other thing I would like to say is that you need a constant source of motivation. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I use the internet. At first, I didn't like the motivational stuff...I thought it was cheesy, but I kept listening anyway. Eventually I found myself actually thinking about the things people were talking about and I found myself asking crucial questions until I came to the point that I realised that I had all the tools I needed to do this and do it for LIFE!

    Often times when we begin the journey to weight loss we find that there is more to it than calories in and calories out. There are emotions and behaviors behind it that we need to face and understand.

    Here are some of my favorite sites, while many of them have services that you pay for, you can still listen to the free stuff and join the forums:

    1. THE BEST podcast ever ---->
    Do the survey here


    A book that I am reading right now that is really helping me!
    A Time For Your Life by Cheryl Richardson

    With LOVE and the best of luck to you!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You are not eating enough!

    You said you normally eat about 830 calories?

    It is medically unwise to EVER eat below 1200 as you risk doing physical harm to your body and pushing it into starvation or survival mode.

    That means that your body is not getting enough nutrients and food to simply survive day to day, so it will begin to hang onto every single ounce of food that you are given it, and you will not lose weight.

    Eat more! PB is cheap, and good, and nutrious.

    Vegis aren't that expensive.

    Find some way to get your calories in--AND YOU MUST ALSO EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES! or you risk pushing your body below that 1200 calorie limit again.
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    I only watch calories for now and I'll watch the rest when I'm at my goal. Are you sure you are counting your calories correctly? Maybe you could give a list & amounts of what your 830 calorie food are for a day. Would love to help if I can :wink:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I agree with all the above. Just concentrate on calories. If you have a particularly good or bad day you can look at the Protein and fat numbers as often if you keep your Protein up and fat down this is easier, but only use them to support your calorie goal. You do need to eat your calories every day. It is very important to your health and the point of this needs to be to get healthy not just lose weight.

    Keep going, you'll do great!
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