I'm new and need all the motivation & support I can get

My name is Elizabeth. I'm new. I joined myfitnesspal about a week ago on the advice of my niece. She gave the website/community rave reviews. I am 31 years old, married, and currently have 2 young foster children with me. And I am looking for support and motivation. I have spent the last few days checking things out, entering my food intake and tracking my exercise and I also really enjoy it! This is a weight loss website, so let's be honest with numbers: my current weight is 212lbs. It sounds like quite alot, but I am just about 6 feet tall and have a generally larger frame that most women would care to have. I feel like I am in pretty good shape, considering my size and how long I have been COMPLETELY inactive. And honestly, I like to exercise. I like the rush, I like the energy that I carry with me all day after a good workout in the morning. My problem is this: I WANT to exercise. I WANT to lose weight.....it just takes me alot of self convincing to get up and actually do it. My long term goal is to get back down to about 175 - 180 lbs, which also seems like alot, but on my frame, it looks good. Being new to exercise and dieting, I have no idea what would be a reasonable amount of time to give myself to meet my ultimate goal. The way I see it, as long as the number on the scale gets at least a little bit smaller every week, I am happy. I am a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding this June and the only goal I have given myself is by the time of the wedding, I want to be less than 200 lbs...that's a grand total of 12 pounds in about 13 weeks...this is reasonable, right? Less would be better, but I am terrified of setting my sights too high and disappointing myself.
If you are willing to help motivate me get to my goals and are in need of a cheerleader for your own goals, add me!


  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member

    Hows that for cheerleading!!! lol It sounds like you and I are very similar. I too am a tall girl at about 5' 10". I have had three kids and they have surely taken a toll on my body. not to mention my awful eating habits! We are here for the same reason...to lose weight!!! You want to make it down for a wedding....i just want to make it down!!! We can do it! I know we can. I am new to this site too, but I think it will be a great motivational tool for me. Let's make the most of what we are doing and see how far we can get!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hi there! :flowerforyou:

    I just got to this site yesterday and have already met and made new supportive friends and i know you can too!

    I don't think your goals are unreasonable at all. My advice is to find support here, keep the diary, start off small with exercise so it does not feel overwhelming. Before you know it, you will be adding more.

    AND, be gentle on yourself - you can do this Elizabeth!

    Add me as a friend if you'd like, we will support each other :smile: The upcoming wedding sounds like so much fun!! You'll be ready for that bridesmaid dress!

  • ameaston22
    Hey Elizabeth! I am fairy new to this too. I've had three children and I am hoping to whip my body back into a shape that resembles (even slightly) what it used to be. I really like that you're setting goals. Losing 1 lb a week is awesome and should be attainable. I've been working out and dedicated to my routine for about three weeks and I've lost ten. For me, what works best is tracking the calories before I eat and not consuming ALL my exercise calories. I'd rather have more of a deficit, but that's just a personal opinion :) I started at 164 and I'm down to 154. Hoping to be down to at least 150 before March 29th when I leave for Vegas for my first all-girls vacation!
  • mamacath
    mamacath Posts: 51
    hello & welcome to the site .. together we can do this !! the site is a great support and helps keeps you on track .. the people here are amazing and the help is just what we all could use ..