Scale not moving

DOTY1 Posts: 97
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing very well for about a month I had an account and I had to delete it and start over so I dont know what all is avb to be seen as far as my food or anyhting but I have been at this since Jan I have been really into it since Feb I dont normaly go over my calories I dont eat the exercise calories and a normal week for me is Monday 30min on elliptical and 45min water aerobics. Tuesday 30 min on ellipitcal and 45min water aerobics, Wednesday 30min elliptical and 55 min of Zumba. Thursday Rest Friday 30min elliptcal Saturday 55min Zumba 30 min elliptical and Sunday Rest. All over I have lost 9inches but no weight what is going on????????


  • ascoors
    ascoors Posts: 7
    It could be you are not eating enough calories. I had that problem too.
  • eat your exercise calories,
  • Yeah I agree with the other lady, it definitely could be that you're not eating enough calories. I know that's weird to say, cause the first thing that comes to mind is uhhh... I don't want to eat more. But for your body to burn more fat, you have to eat more. I hate it too but it makes sense.
    It also could be the types of food you're eating, try not to eat a lot of bread (even if it is wheat bread) or processed foods. Protein will really increase your metabolism along with a lot of fruit. :)
    Also try switching up your workout every week or so. Your body gets used to the same thing over and over and that also makes it harder to lose weight. Good luck and keep up the hard work!!
  • I just posted almost the exact same thing! The consensus is that you need to either work out less or eat more.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Try eating your exercise calories. You could be going too low. Starvation Mode is a biological response to not getting enough calories and nutrients. Your metabolism slows, your body hangs onto fat and starts digging into your lean muscle mass for fuel. Stay above 1200. It is a general baseline number but a good one to go by.

    Diet and cardio exercise also cause muscle mass loss along with fat loss. Get in some strength/resistance training to help combat that muscle loss. Increasing your muscle mass is what increases your metabolism. The more you have the more you will burn throughout the day. You won't bulk up. That's hard enough for men to do. For women it's very, very, very hard.

    Also check out the link "An email response that Might Help Some..."; Very interesting.

    Check out the link in my signature: "links in MFP you want to read again and again.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I had that problem too. People told me to eat my exercise calories back, so I did, for a couple of weeks... Did I lose? No, I gained! 2lbs in two weeks... So I'm back to not eating the calories back, and I've lost those 2lbs I gained, but that was a waste of a month...
    If you are losing inches, then I'd say you are probably gaining muscle, and muscle has less volume per pound than fat... also, drink plenty of water because it might be water weight... good luck to you :wink:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    If you're losing inches, then you're just building muscle. Keep up the work and make sure to up the resistance/intensity and you will start losing the lbs too

    Also - looks like you need some strength training as well in your routine
  • watchmelose2
    watchmelose2 Posts: 77 Member
    You have to use your exercise calories, or you won't lose weight! That is hard to understand I know! But it works!:drinker: Keep up the good work! It will happen for you!
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    You may want to invest in a heart rate monitor. Do not go by what mfp says for calories burned its more than half off! I thought I was burning more calories and recently purchased a hrm and was shocked to see I was burning a lot less cals! Also eat ur exerccise calories if your able to. Some nights I'm not able to and don't want to force myself to eat. Good luck!
  • tamik6
    tamik6 Posts: 7
    I agree with throwing some weight training in there. You will want to tone while you lose. I switch up my gym days depending on our schedules. One day weights(45min) and elipitical(30min), the next weights(45min) and Zumba(60min). I go 4 days a week. I try not to go over my calories and don't eat the exercise calories but everyone is different in the way they lose.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    I just looked at my net calories and I guess I have been doing this all wrong I am no where eating enf I thought as long as I ate my 1600 that was enf but there was one day my net wasnt even 600 and from what I have read I need to make sure my net is atleast over the 1200 mark thanks all
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